*Luke is now starting to rub his little eyes when he's tired - it's adorable.
*Sleeps the second half of the night snuggled up to Mommy - he's out in second, compared to 20- minutes of being up and down in the bassinet - that's 20 less minutes I need to be awake!
*Smiles and jabbers up a storm
*LOVES bath time! Loves it! He's like his Mama, the warmer the water the better. I sit him sideways in the big tub (in his sling) and he stomps his little feet on the side of the tub and coos and smiles when the water is nice and warm to his liking. If it's too cool he just sits still and looks at me like, "Really? What's so great about this? I can't 'perform' when I'm cold!"
*He's been lifting his head and 'rolling' over since he was about 6 hours old, so that's not new news. He's still super strong!
*Luke has already been to 2 Mariner's games! Once with me and my co-workers, and just again on Monday - we brought Daddy and Devin and Chelsey along too =)
*He flirts - it's hilarious! He does it to Daddy and immediately gets the, "Daddy's a boy, no flirting with boys"
*Luke has decided that unless his car seat is moving, it is unnecessary to be in it, and gets all mad about it. This means I have literally 3 seconds from the time I walk in the door and put the seat down to get him out. No putting bags or keys down, no potty breaks, he wants out NOW!!!
Ben and I are doing well too. Ben's moved a total of 52 yards of dirt around our yard. Thank God for Lannie! He hooked us up with a bobcat so only the first 10 yards were done by shovels and A (single) wheelbarrow. We found the guy to hydro seed and the guy to build our shed... The fencing has been the hard part. I got a couple bids, did all the prep work and now the neighbors, that were previously not interested in doing anything - just told me to find the best price and they'd sign off - then decided they cared and wanted to get their own estimates. We're not going to have 5 different builders come out to do different sections. Funny thing is they all ended up calling the guy that gave us the best bid for the better materials... $16 a foot (including labor seems to be the going rate). Though we did have one guy show up after me telling him to forget it. He argued on the phone with me for 10 minutes and refused my directions telling me I didn't know my address because his GPS couldn't locate it. Yeah dude, when you screw my fence up this is going to be fun arguing to fix it... Oh and he was "The best price we'll get anywhere... $28 a foot!" And then he left his planner here full with: his business license, registration to his truck, business checkbook, and personal checkbook AND it's still sitting on my porch 8 days later!!! No thanks dude! So lots and lots of yard work for Ben and lots of on the phone price comparing for me lately. Slowly but surely we'll have a yard! As long as the stupid HOA doesn't get in my way!
Because blogger decides the order of appearance, in no particular order:

Us at the game
Chelsey and Devin at the game
Ben, Jared and Marco at Jared's birthday BBQ
(this was great, now that we all have kids the dynamic of the backyard BBQ has changed quite a bit - everyone was 'toast' by 10... And these days 'toast' means tired - not drunk)
Cameron making a face at the BBQ
Luke and Dad sleeping in
Luke supervising, um I mean sleeping from his stroller while Mom and Dad shovel dirt
My Mother's Day Flowers from Ben and Luke
Happy boy!!
Does this one really need explanation? He's so freaking cute! THIS is the face that melts me every day! And yes, he's this baby 99.9999% of the time... and even when he's being a punk, he's still this sweet!