Thursday, August 27, 2009

So long!

So the court thing went really well, even though we didn't think so at the time. God had a better plan and we were able to 'settle' with a signed agreement. At first Ben felt like it was giving validation to their outrageous stories, but it now holds them accountable for responsible, adult conduct AND they had to withdraw their rediculous claims to Ben's job. There is still an 'investigation' because they can't just ignore it... But I'm so thankful that these neighbors can't fabricate anything new to add to their interviews - matter of fact they can't even give an interview!
I have been trying very hard to understand what God was trying to teach us in this situation. Ben was over and beyond accomidating and diplomatic with this woman who did nothing but scream profanities at the back of our house, without provication, several times now over the past few months. His tolerance and cool temperment really didn't get him anywhere but smack in the middle of horrible, malicious prosecution. These people have brought out the worst in me on a few occasions (so maybe I can see what God's working on in me)... I pray nightly for them that they find peace with whatever demons they've got working on them... but that they find it somewhere else, in a different neighborhood... soon, hopefully... PLEASE!!! Ugh, probably not going to happen in this current housing market but I can always hope!

Anyway, you guys know what the difference between a 1GB memory card and a 4GB memory card? No? ...It means that there's almost 900 pictures of Luke waiting for me to upload them to my computer instead of 200 :o)

Luke is fabulous! He's so stinkin' cute, and sweet, and just perfect! He's rolling ALL over the place and is starting to get up on his knees and lurch forward... Though we're really not ready for him to crawl yet, we've fought the strong urge to stop him, for fear of being the bad parents that 'hold him back' (we're goning to save that card for something really worth it, like dating) ;)
Luke is still such a good baby! Cries only when he's in pain, too hot, or cold... Or if he's grunted and whined for food for more than 15 minutes and you still haven't gotten the hint. He's doing well at his Grandma's houses while I work and has a blast every morning with his Daddy! I notice though that on days I work, when we get home, I don't get to do much - like eat, clean, sit, etc. unless I'm holding him. He's whiney if I'm not 100% focused on him after work, until he goes to bed... and even then he doesn't sleep as good unless we're snuggling. So if it's Wednesday through Friday and you want to come over - bring food, and don't look at my mess :o)

Sorry, lots of words in this post and no pictures, but I'm pretty sure I've slacked off on this blog so long that no one reads it anymore anyway. Those that do, prepare for a huge picture post (hopefully) by the end of the weekend - I'm going to need Ben home to love on Luke so that I can have some decent time on the computer, like I said, 4GB is a LOT of photos!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Prayer, Please!

I realize it's been a while, but we have just been slammed preparing to go to court on Monday. We live in a home we got to customize, out in a community we want to be in, and just ONE neighboring home - from the 5 others that we love - have us hating to be home every minute. Our situation wouldn't have gotten to this point except that Ben's career puts him in a tight spot... Where not only is he not allowed to defend his home and family, but brutal lies can be said about him and people pay attention. Please, please pray for us that the judge sees past these malicious stories on Monday morning and that we may move past this awful garbage. I just can't imagine what will happen next if any validation is given to these people. We've been told in civil cases judges tend to error on the side of caution - so we have 5 people coming in to testify on our behalf, pray too that the judge will even let them speak.