I just might manage to get 2 posts up this year... And by now you've all stopped looking at this thing!
I'd be lying to say I'm sad to see this year go, I'm glad 2010 is wrapping up. It was probably the hardest year we've faced, but God is faithful and we've survived! Our family is whole and healthy and for that, we are incredibly blessed! Our beautiful, funny, healthy, and awesomely sweet little boy has kept us going through all the gunk and we are so, so thankful for him!
Speaking of Luke, he's awesome! He's going to be 2 soon, he's not my baby anymore... He's is the happiest kid I've ever known. We rarely have a tough day and if we do, there's is always a medical reason for it. A few weeks ago was rough for him, he had his second ear infection ever, in both ears and was cutting just about all of his back teeth. The doc said it looked like 8 were all trying to come through at once. Beyond that, everyday is a pretty happy day.
Luke hasn't really been up for real word talking but he jabbers a lot! The last few days he's really been open to repeating words though, so I've been trying to add at least 2 words to his vocabulary. He understands everything you say to him now and will follow tasks, like putting away toys, going to find his blankies at bed time, etc. Not only is he happy, but he's super sweet! He loves kisses and hugs and despite being REALLY busy all the time, he likes to snuggle for a few minutes at a time - frequently throughout the day. Luke LOVES Elmo right now, I don't know what it is about that little monster but Luke fell into his trap! Sesame Street is a favorite and we'll catch Luke repeating letters and numbers, singing and dancing along with songs, and giggling with the kids when they laugh. It's adorable! We've also been going to Little Gym once a week and Luke does very well! Typically it's been a Mommy & Luke thing, but Ben joined us last week and Luke was so excited to show his Daddy all that he could do, making it even more fun for Daddy - so I'm pretty sure Daddy will be joining in &/ taking turns with me. Luke is in love with his Daddy! Daddy's little shadow, wherever Daddy goes - Luke is RIGHT behind him, if not attached to his back ;)
The feeling is mutual, Luke has gotten more and more fun everyday and Ben is really loving this stage with his little boy. They laugh and wrestle and chase and dance... Ben's an awesome Daddy! Even though he works nights, on his days off he switches up his schedule to be able to spend time with us, loving on his boy and helping me as much as he can. As difficult as our year has been - we are all in a really good place right now! I almost wish we could just live in this time for awhile and refill our emotional/mental tanks.
Early in November Ben and I made a rather spontaneous decision to get away. We needed it desperately. It was the fist time I'd spent a night away from Luke - and it was a full 6 nights away! My Mom stayed at the house with Luke and kept him busy and Luke got visits and trips with his other Grandma's too. He did great, thought he got REALLY attached to his binky with Mommy and Daddy gone.
We had a wonderful time in Kauai, Hawaii. We stayed on the South Side of the island aka 'the sunny side'. Which was great, because every time we left outside a 2 mile radius of the resort, it was raining. Ben and I got to enjoy each other again like we haven't been able to in a very long time. No phones, no computers/internet, etc... (We had my phone but with all notifications disabled so that the only thing incoming could be an emergency call from my Mom) I thought for sure Ben would go stir crazy without outside contact (and only me!) but we really had a blast! I only cried once, when I called my mom to check in and Luke was awake and I heard him jabbering and laughing in the background... Other than that I was a big girl!
Since then, Luke has stayed a few more nights away :) Ben and I celebrated our 6th anniversary at Salish Lodge a couple weeks ago and Luke stayed with Ben's parents and did awesome again. We had a really great time there too!!! :)
We'd always been told how important it was to get time away together without the kids, once they come but never really made it happen... We found out for ourselves the importance of staying connected outside of Luke, and are now making it a priority to have our time too.
I'm on Ben's little netbook and don't have access to a ton of pictures, but I'm sure there's enough on here to give you a taste:
Our little Snowbaby

Our fireman and his pirate princess, Kaelyn on Halloween

Checking out his reflection in the fridge, with his favorite (Elmo) slippers!

Our favorite beach in Kauai, we found it after missing our turn to go to see the canyon, and following a 5 mile rocky dirt road to the end... And ended in Paradise!

On our Resort's beach at Poi'pu
Family picture time! Aubrey was over and took our pictures after Thanksgiving :o)

Try and forget the scenery in these photos, we loved it and you'll probably see more pictures of our family at this place... I hate to repeat and be 'un-original' but this really was a fun spot.