Monday, September 8, 2008

And of the house...

From the entry into the dining room/kitchen
From the kitchen into the Family room
From Family Room to Kitchen
Half of the Master bath
The 'loft' area at the top of the stairs!


~The White family~ said...

YAY!!! It's so pretty :) I can't wait to see all your stuff in there :)

Chris Kaatz said...

Beautiful!! I am so happy for, and proud of you guys!!


~The White family~ said...

I forgot to ask where the picture of my room was?

Gramma Carol said...

Thanks for posting these photos! I hadn't even checked because I feared your computer would be in a box in somebody's garage this week!

Great job on color selections!

Scott, Teresa and Gabby said...

Very fun! Congratulations! We're so excited for you!

Anonymous said...

Ben & Christina, What a beautiful home, I especially love the corner fireplace, how cool is that!...How many bedrooms??? Do you have a picture of the outside? Congratulations again. Need help moving???

Cathy Converse

Rusting away in Washington said...

Beatiful and very very exciting! Now I know were all the family parties will be!!! When do we paint!!!

Chris Kaatz said...

I just wanted to let you know that for whatever reason, today was a really great day - I kept thinking about how great it will be to be a gramma to that darling little baby of yours. I simply cannot wait to snuggle that sweet little bundle. My heart is simply LEAPING with joy!

Devin and Chelsey said...

Ohhh I love it, it looks so big and cozy!