Thursday, August 13, 2009

Prayer, Please!

I realize it's been a while, but we have just been slammed preparing to go to court on Monday. We live in a home we got to customize, out in a community we want to be in, and just ONE neighboring home - from the 5 others that we love - have us hating to be home every minute. Our situation wouldn't have gotten to this point except that Ben's career puts him in a tight spot... Where not only is he not allowed to defend his home and family, but brutal lies can be said about him and people pay attention. Please, please pray for us that the judge sees past these malicious stories on Monday morning and that we may move past this awful garbage. I just can't imagine what will happen next if any validation is given to these people. We've been told in civil cases judges tend to error on the side of caution - so we have 5 people coming in to testify on our behalf, pray too that the judge will even let them speak.


Devin and Chelsey said...

yeah! I'm glad it went well! Too bad they can't get thrown out of the neighborhood by the HOA. I wonder, if enough neighbors complain, can they? Think about it!

Christina Johnson said...

Nope, doesn't work that way... Would be nice though!