Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I had my normal appointment this morning, Dr. Hanlon got called out for a C-section a few minutes before I got there and then had an emergency one call her back moments after she walked in the door, so I didn't get to see her. I did see another doc in the office and with a few of the occurances this last week that I told her about, she felt it was best to get an idea of how the boy was doing. I got hooked up to a fetal monitor for about 40 minutes to check on him.
He 'looks' good according to the monitor output... She said from whatever they can tell from that little print out he's looking like that of a 32-33 week baby. Let's hope not - I need to go to the END of March! Ben's out of town from March 8-12, and I'm really not interested in having this little boy while his Daddy's gone! However, I'm no longer measuring a week ahead, I'm back on with 30 weeks, so hopefully that means something! I was a bit freaked out yesterday (and Ben called during this freak out so he got really concerned) so it was really nice to find out this morning that they're not worried and he's doing well! I do have some new 'rules and restrictions' to adhere to if these 'instances' occur again, but they're more to be on the safe side, than they are things to panic about. :o)


Anonymous said...

Well what happened, why did you freak out?
Aunt Debbie

Christina Johnson said...

3 times in the last 2 1/2 weeks he's done this full on convulsing movement for roughly 45 seconds and then would spend the rest of the day very still. The movement isn't terribly abnormal but the 'very still afterwards' part concerned them and then the term seizure came out as a possibiility... They still don't know for sure but he appears to be rebounding well after each. If it was something bad they'd have hoped to have seen some indicator on the monitor.

Gramma Carol said...

Maybe he has little running spurts like Miranda does and is just plain worn out afterwards. Luke's got good genes, remember.

Devin and Chelsey said...

Is he crazy leaving you in the middle of march? I hope that's important. And if in the case that he is gone during the birth, I'm totally here to help you if you want it. Just let me know what you need me to do! Although I'm glad that he's back on track with the time!!

Christina Johnson said...

He has training for work... Obviously if things are looking like I'm going to go early he won't leave, but it'll be REALLY good for him, career wise - long term, to have this in his little bag of tricks! It sounds like his Captain is trying really hard to get them into the class the first week of March now too, (She knows he's got a preggo wife) so that would be great, but she's hitting some resistance trying to get 20 guys in the same class with flights and lodging in New Mexico... Especially in a huge department like King County with all their red tape.