Today was the deadline for personal income tax returns on extension... Thank goodness!
I know I'll still see them trickle on to my desk occasionally for those who don't mind filing late, but for now until February - I'm going to work & coming home on time! During the last April busy season it wasn't so bad working late because Ben was on second shift working 2pm-10pm, but with him walking in 10 minutes before I leave and me getting home 3 hours before he goes... doesn't give us as much time as we'd like. This upcoming tax season will, I'm sure, prove to be a bit more difficult.
This weekend I drove out to Moses Lake to visit with Aubrey. We had lots of fun! Brandon worked, the girls were in Idaho with Grandparents and Brady was a sweet boy for us as we walked the Farmer's market, shopped and PAINTED!! It was quite a productive Saturday! Now all Aubrey needs to do is post pictures on her new blog to show off her beautiful house!
Oh and another thing that happend this weekend: my sweet little brother turned ELEVEN!!! He's not so little anymore... So sad! At least I can still get some really good hugs (when his friends aren't around) and he doesn't think I'm totally lame yet, which is really quite nice! I remember the day a few years back that I walked out to say goodbye to the boy who had to sleep with "Sissy" every time I stayed the night ~ he was playing with his buddies outside and ran up to give me a hug and kiss, only to turn around and be heckled. "HA! You kissed you're sister..." Poor Nick! I've never wanter to ring the neck of a little kid before that moment, but Christian almost got a beaten... had I been able to catch the little booger!