This weekend is the Marine Corps Ball. I spent 4 hours in the mall yesterday trying to find a dress that didn't look like a high school prom dress... It was tough! I wore the wrong shoes for shopping and my feet were killing me by the time I found the dress. I'd actually seen this same dress at 2 other places (with very minimal difference) but I have such a hard time spending a ton of money on a dress that I'll be in for only a few hours... I did this with my wedding dress too. Gotta love off the rack bridal sales!
This however is not a wedding, it's the annual ball. I used to get really excited to get dressed up with Ben and go to the ball, but it's totally not his thing. He's usually a bit of a grump for these: It's mandatory! No if's, or and's - your 'but(t)' better be there - which if you've met my husband you know he surprisingly for his occupations doesn't love to be ordered around... Then he must be there by this time and no later and Dress Blues better be perfect, medals alligned properly and in the correct order... and blah, blah... It really takes the fun out of it!
This however is not a wedding, it's the annual ball. I used to get really excited to get dressed up with Ben and go to the ball, but it's totally not his thing. He's usually a bit of a grump for these: It's mandatory! No if's, or and's - your 'but(t)' better be there - which if you've met my husband you know he surprisingly for his occupations doesn't love to be ordered around... Then he must be there by this time and no later and Dress Blues better be perfect, medals alligned properly and in the correct order... and blah, blah... It really takes the fun out of it!
Anyway, I got a dress... On SALE! My mission for the weekend was accomplished :)
This is him going to drill a few months ago... He really doesn't like his picture taken and he's being a total pain here, but it turned out much better in the photo - and I think he's pretty cute. (Even when he's being a punk... well sometimes!)

I hope that you both have fun any way! I can't wait to see the pics.
Love Aunt Teresa
I want to see a picture of the dress!!!
Yeah, finding dresses is HARD! I have been going crazy trying to find something cheap that looks halfway decent for my sister's wedding. My advice? Look though next time you need something. Saved me sooo much time.
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