Things to do before Saturday afternoon:
- Figure out what to do with my hair! (The last cut I had was really bad, so this probably means that I'll need to go to a salon and see if they can fix it)
- Get a pedicure
- Find nylons
- Wax/pluck my eyebrows
- Find a clutch/purse to go with my dress
Not to mention:
- Pester Ben into going to get his hair cut. An absolute must before tomorrow night as the sides are too long for a Marine to show up at drill with... And make the man part again this month with his side burns. Every month he has this sad week without the side burns :)
- Pluck or convince him to wax the two, thankfully blonde, caterpillars above his eyes - They're about to merge.
- Iron his Dress Blues
- Find his shiny dress uniform shoes since the move (and the white gloves)
In the meantime (bored at work), I'll just sit and enjoy the cute picture sent to me from Moses Lake:

I want to see the picture of the two of you from that night!!! ASAP girl :) Love ya :)
I'm with Aubrey where are the pics?? :)
Love Aunt Teresa
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