It was another stressful week/end, and quite emotional with 2 of Ben's grandparents in the hospital... well at one point there were 3, but only 2 were ever admitted. Of course a full day of work on Saturday for me, and then a sick day yesterday :o(
Ben left at 2:45 this morning to head to Spokane for a 3 day training seminar - the drive for him wasn't great, but he made it without falling asleep! It's all class/workshop type training, I think he likes the hands on stuff better, but he was pretty excited for all the classes he was going to be able to get in on.
Dad and his team
Nick about to hit his triple
Rounding second base (triple)
Nick at 3rd
What a good-lookin' ball player we got there! Good job with the photos.
Wow, sounds like he is an all sport athlete! Love the photos!
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