Thursday, March 19, 2009

2 weeks, 2 days

Time is flying by! My sweet boy had his 2 week check-up on Tuesday and weighed 6lbs, 11 oz. Up 6 oz from last Tuesday. I know that while he's nursing he's not going to get the calories he would on formula, but hopefully I can chub him up a little before his 2 month appointment and get some meat on his little legs. I was really worried that his shots were going to be on Tuesday and the poor kid has no fat to stick that needle into. I was very relieved to say the least that we've got more time! 

Late Monday night he also lost his cord, it was really sad for me! Not sure why, it clearly hasn't 'connected' him to me since he's been here but it almost felt like it had and now it's gone... My baby's getting bigger. 

The last couple nights we've had to use the Gripe Water for Luke. I'm not sure yet if it's things I'm eating (which are all bland and boring because I'm trying to be careful), or if he's just got a bit of colic at night. Each evening he's definitely had a tummy problem. So far, he likes the taste of it and it's appeared to do wonders. I feel horrible giving him something, but Ben's tried to make me feel better by trying to convince me that we're not medicating him (Gripe Water is all natural with ginger and fennel - no meds!) And it calms him down which is ultimately what I want. Even with the upset tummy, he's still a good baby! He only cries when he gets cold - bath time and changing, and just grunts and whines when he needs to eat. Luke's a total boy and has no bones about being dirty. He's never indicating any discomfort with a wet or poopy diaper - he's content to just fall back asleep and stay in it. Over the last week he's started to make all the sweet baby noises while he sleeps, I love hearing him at night while he's in his bassinet! He let's me know he's alright =) 

I had more on my prescription, but took myself off my pain meds last week. I do take the occasional Advil to take the edge off with my neck pain and subsequent headaches. My incision appears to be healing up, I'm definitely still very aware of it every time my abdominal muscles engage (standing, sitting, walking, laughing, etc.) so all the time, but it hasn't stopped me yet... Though blowing my nose has been the thing to avoid since the surgery! Talk about feeling like your blowing your stitches out! I had my follow-up appointment yesterday for a blood pressure check and I'm back down to normal range =)

Today we took Luke down for his first mall trip. We ended up with a couple goodies and walked around the Super Mall twice because we didn't really have a 'plan' and ended up adding stores that we'd already passed to our hit list. We can tell it's been a while since we've done real errands, we both walked in the door and agreed that a nap wouldn't be a bad idea. I'm certain Ben and Luke are doing that now and I'm missing mine, but I thought I'd give an update instead. 

I knew that I would love my boy, but never imagined just how much I could... Watching Ben fall in love with his son has also been incredible. We are so thankful for our new little family!

(I know you guys just check this now for the pictures, so I'll throw some up later tonight)


Anonymous said...

I drink ginger tea for my tummy issues it really does work....
Once again I love your updates...

~The White family~ said...

Look at you! TWO posts in one day :) I LOVE IT! Miss you guys and glad to hear things are going well! xoxo

J Yo said...

Sounds like you and Ben are naturals at this whole parenting thing! Keep it up... :)

Gramma Carol said...

Have missed you and need to get over there to see Little Dolly soon! I look at his photos all the precious!

Love you,
