Monday, March 16, 2009

I know I've been slacking a little, I'm sorry!

I'll upload some pictures today, I promise! We've been out the last few days visiting grandparents and finally celebrating Ben's birthday with my mom's side of the family now that things have settled a little. My little guy's doing very well - I thought I'd try to get him on a better schedule with feedings, but he's really still just doing his own thing. 3-4 hours, and as long as he's getting what he needs I'm not too worried about it now. 
Ben has decided to take an additional week off so he won't be going back to work until next Wednesday =) 
We're really just loving this time with our little boy! We know he's only this little once, we want to absorb and appreciate every moment with him (and each other) that we possibly can.

In the last 2 weeks as a new mom, I have found a greater faith than I've ever known before! There are so many things that I never thought would worry me, and now every time I put Luke in his bassinet and attempt to sleep away from him (just a few feet even) and I get so anxious! Mainly, that I'm not going to hear him choke (his only preemie 'issue' is that his digestive system isn't quite developed all the way and he does this from time to time) ... God's getting an earful from me lately! He gives me peace so that I may rest and it's then that I remember that Luke is His first, and then ours to raise and cherish. This I know, but it's much harder than I ever imagined to just trust Him lately without wanting to take it back and panic about it a little more. (I think it's partially because at this point of the night I'm exhausted and probably a little irrational too.) I know this is only the beginning of my worrying days, but I'm trying not to borrow trouble and think too much farther ahead =)  

Anyway, Luke's hiccups are finally gone and he's fallen asleep while I've been typing so we're going back to bed for a just a little bit longer... 


Scott, Teresa and Gabby said...

Yeah for extra time off with your hubby! Enjoy and keep praying that is exactly what God wants for you to do.

Kelley (Riggio) Brown said...

Oh Kat he is adorable! You are not biased...that is a good looking little boy :) AND this post about Luke being God's first is so precious! I'm sitting in my office practically bawling! :) geez...

Anyways, Congrats sister! I am so happy for you and your growing family. Hope to see you and the little heart breaker soon ;)
Love you!