This whole thing seemed so far fetched at first but it's all just falling into place and working out very nicely, granted we haven't actually listed the condo yet - We've totally got this in God's hands! Ben's far more planned out and not big on financial leaps of faith (or leaps in general) - but he's the one that's totally comfortable with all of this and has been great at calming me when I start to panic - reminding me that we've already given it away, and that we don't want to miss what God's really doing by playing the 'take-back' game.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Moving right along...
I wasn't feeling all that well yesterday, I woke around 2:00 in the morning with a killer headache! I've never been one to get migraines - but in the last year I've had a few that, from what I hear, can be absolutely called a migraine. :o( After about 3 hours of water, advil, tylenol and some double vision I was able to doze off a little. Needless to say I was far from impressed when my alarm went off 15 minutes later. Yeah, NO! I reset it for 7 to call my boss, only to wake again at 6:15 when Ben got home and came in, "Are we going to work today?" "In a word, NO!!!! Now pleeeaasssseee shhh!" He crawled in next to me and I didn't even hear him snore until I pulled my rear out of bed at 10:30! (I paid for that last night - unable to fall asleep until well after midnight) So I got up, ate some cereal and made the best of my day off by doing some touch up painting and carpet cleaning. I got the good, deep scrubbing, out of the way before the picture guy comes on Friday to get some shots for the condo. We thought it would be listed this week - but it looks like Monday's the day! Lots of prayers going up that this all works out like it's supposed to! Monday is also the day for our electrical appointment with the builders for the new house. Final design options have to be in a week from tomorrow! Ben's got Marine Corps obligations from Wednesday to Sunday out of town, so I'm planning on spending some time in the showroom - nailing down colors for the cabinets and counter tops, etc. We've been twice together and he's given what little opinion he has on that stuff, "Whatever makes you happy... Just not these... These colors won't make you happy!" So I pretty much just know what we're NOT doing :o) After these appointments next week - they'll get it started with the permits and release it into construction hopefully at the end of May, after that it's just 54 week days (minus Holidays and a few scheduled non-working days for the builders)
This whole thing seemed so far fetched at first but it's all just falling into place and working out very nicely, granted we haven't actually listed the condo yet - We've totally got this in God's hands! Ben's far more planned out and not big on financial leaps of faith (or leaps in general) - but he's the one that's totally comfortable with all of this and has been great at calming me when I start to panic - reminding me that we've already given it away, and that we don't want to miss what God's really doing by playing the 'take-back' game.
This whole thing seemed so far fetched at first but it's all just falling into place and working out very nicely, granted we haven't actually listed the condo yet - We've totally got this in God's hands! Ben's far more planned out and not big on financial leaps of faith (or leaps in general) - but he's the one that's totally comfortable with all of this and has been great at calming me when I start to panic - reminding me that we've already given it away, and that we don't want to miss what God's really doing by playing the 'take-back' game.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Short Weekend
Throwing 6 hours of driving into the weekend really shortens it up! Moses Lake for Lexi's party was absolutely worth it though. Perfection, would have been if Ben could've taken last night off and gone with me, nonetheless it was pretty great! The girls were adorable, as usual! Brady's little world opens up by leaps and bounds between each of our visits together, it was great to see what a big boy he's getting to be - and such a little a flirt! (And no Brandon, he didn't get that from his Daddy... So just go ahead and let that one go) :o)

Mary Kate and Ashley: The Next Generation (Reagan & Lorelai)

Aubrey and her family always have a way of making feel like just one of the bunch, it was so hard to leave!
I even got to see Meme (Nancy - Aubrey's grandma) in her "Birthday Suit!!" {This remark was very quickly caught, enjoyed, and then corrected as a birthday 'outfit'}
For the record though: I much prefer road trips with others, or from behind my eyelids as a passenger!
Makenna, Lexi, (Brandon), Reagan & Lorelai
"I'm a lot a bit cute" ~Reagan
"Wanna come swim in my Pooo?" (Pool) ~ Lexi
These are from my brother's game, about a week ago, I completely forgot to put them onto the computer!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Gifts, Dinner, Movie & Minor Mayhen
Last night Ben and I went down to Kent Station. We first hit a few stores and found sweet Lexi a birthday gift. Uncle Ben was quite involved as to what was and was not an okay gift to stick his name on - he was pretty cute.
Next we hit Chipotle for a quick bite before our movie started, it's always good food! However, they're becoming quite stingy with the veggies lately... but I didn't let them get away with it on mine! :o)
We went to Forgetting Sarah Marshall, it was pretty funny but got a little uncomfortable during an unexpected moment of full frontal male nudity. So funny: you hear this collective "UGH!" come from every man in the theatre and see all their heads go down in unison.
The minor mayhem began about a half hour into the movie when a 'kid' walked in (quickly but walking normal) wearing a big hoodie and sat next to the people in the row in front of us, started talking to them only to get up and then come back next to me and ask if we were using our ticket stubs. I said yes, we were and then instead of moving on he asked me what I needed them for... Ben, in something not a whisper, said "So we can enjoy the movie we PAID to see!" hoping he'd leave and leave everyone else alone. Nope! This kid moved one seat away and started in with the profanity calling Ben a myriad of things (among them the 'N' word)... We didn't say anything else to him he just sat there running his mouth for the next minute or so. I was 'intrigued' at his ability to actually only use offensive words and 'you' fill a whole minute of speaking. By this time just about every male in the theatre was looking at this tool ready to see if he wanted to make good on his threats that he was throwing out at Ben. Thank God he got up and made his very unimpressive 'Gansta Walk' accross the theatre and out the door - right about the time Ben was ready to lose it. Ben calmed himself and we started to enjoy the movie again and then the kid came back in and planted himself right in front of us (mind you the place was far from full on a Thursday night - there was plenty of other seats.)
He sat there for the rest of the show - making me nervous but nothing came up. After the show I had the unfotunate problem of a full bladder, that wasn't going to make it home. We saw the kid waiting in front of the restroom and he was running his mouth to 'his boys' about beating some guy down for acting stupid - we made an alternate route to the car - me with keys and phone in hand. Ben was 'prepared' - if you know what I mean - and ready to respond if needed. I didn't love the long walk to the car in the cold, but it definitely could've ended worse.
All in all, it was still a good night. Ben deals with these guys all the time, and thankfully he was able to put his pent up adrenaline into helping me pack and clean a little once we got back home :o)
Next we hit Chipotle for a quick bite before our movie started, it's always good food! However, they're becoming quite stingy with the veggies lately... but I didn't let them get away with it on mine! :o)
We went to Forgetting Sarah Marshall, it was pretty funny but got a little uncomfortable during an unexpected moment of full frontal male nudity. So funny: you hear this collective "UGH!" come from every man in the theatre and see all their heads go down in unison.
The minor mayhem began about a half hour into the movie when a 'kid' walked in (quickly but walking normal) wearing a big hoodie and sat next to the people in the row in front of us, started talking to them only to get up and then come back next to me and ask if we were using our ticket stubs. I said yes, we were and then instead of moving on he asked me what I needed them for... Ben, in something not a whisper, said "So we can enjoy the movie we PAID to see!" hoping he'd leave and leave everyone else alone. Nope! This kid moved one seat away and started in with the profanity calling Ben a myriad of things (among them the 'N' word)... We didn't say anything else to him he just sat there running his mouth for the next minute or so. I was 'intrigued' at his ability to actually only use offensive words and 'you' fill a whole minute of speaking. By this time just about every male in the theatre was looking at this tool ready to see if he wanted to make good on his threats that he was throwing out at Ben. Thank God he got up and made his very unimpressive 'Gansta Walk' accross the theatre and out the door - right about the time Ben was ready to lose it. Ben calmed himself and we started to enjoy the movie again and then the kid came back in and planted himself right in front of us (mind you the place was far from full on a Thursday night - there was plenty of other seats.)
He sat there for the rest of the show - making me nervous but nothing came up. After the show I had the unfotunate problem of a full bladder, that wasn't going to make it home. We saw the kid waiting in front of the restroom and he was running his mouth to 'his boys' about beating some guy down for acting stupid - we made an alternate route to the car - me with keys and phone in hand. Ben was 'prepared' - if you know what I mean - and ready to respond if needed. I didn't love the long walk to the car in the cold, but it definitely could've ended worse.
All in all, it was still a good night. Ben deals with these guys all the time, and thankfully he was able to put his pent up adrenaline into helping me pack and clean a little once we got back home :o)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
CARLY? Carly had to go? Not Jason... or Brooke? (I even really like Syesha, but even she would've been better leaving than Carly!)
My top 3 are totally ruined now... What are people doing?
My top 3 are totally ruined now... What are people doing?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Lexi!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
It's over! No more 1st quarter crunch!
I managed to squeeze yesterday off to go to Matt's graduation from the State Partol Academy. He looked so good! It was a nice ceremony aside from the Gov. trying to hug some of the new troopers while handing them their commission cards... Good boy Matty backed up a little - Ben was then, even more proud of him!
Ben looked pretty darn cute too! Shirt, tie, badge, gun... While every other person was in their department dress uniform - Ben went a little more comfortable, and was glad for it.
Neither of us had been to the capitol buildings since elementary school field trips so it was cool to see them again, not much has changed. The one thing I loved was standing in the Rotunda building, with Matt and his class up front and a Trooper in uniform leading the entire foyer in prayer! I was awesome that the heads of the state's police organization, were there acknowledging, thanking and honoring God in the Capitol building. It was way cool!
As we were leaving there was a little American flag that had somehow been detached from it's wooden stake and blown away into the grass. Ben couldn't stand it all crumpled up just lying there like trash - he walked through the grass and snatched it up and shoved it in his pocket. He's a good boy!
Unfortuanately, Ben got mandated overtime last night which put me going to Nick's game by myself, so he could get a little sleep. After getting myself lost for 20 miuntes, I fianlly made it to see one of my little brother's (regualr season) games! I've missed a bunch with busy season - but now I get to start making it up :o)
Having yesterday off and getting a FULL hour lunch today's a little awkward, I'm not really sure what to do with myself! I just wish Spring would finally kick in... instead we get more snow this weekend??? That's so not cool! ;)
I managed to squeeze yesterday off to go to Matt's graduation from the State Partol Academy. He looked so good! It was a nice ceremony aside from the Gov. trying to hug some of the new troopers while handing them their commission cards... Good boy Matty backed up a little - Ben was then, even more proud of him!
Ben looked pretty darn cute too! Shirt, tie, badge, gun... While every other person was in their department dress uniform - Ben went a little more comfortable, and was glad for it.
Neither of us had been to the capitol buildings since elementary school field trips so it was cool to see them again, not much has changed. The one thing I loved was standing in the Rotunda building, with Matt and his class up front and a Trooper in uniform leading the entire foyer in prayer! I was awesome that the heads of the state's police organization, were there acknowledging, thanking and honoring God in the Capitol building. It was way cool!
As we were leaving there was a little American flag that had somehow been detached from it's wooden stake and blown away into the grass. Ben couldn't stand it all crumpled up just lying there like trash - he walked through the grass and snatched it up and shoved it in his pocket. He's a good boy!
Unfortuanately, Ben got mandated overtime last night which put me going to Nick's game by myself, so he could get a little sleep. After getting myself lost for 20 miuntes, I fianlly made it to see one of my little brother's (regualr season) games! I've missed a bunch with busy season - but now I get to start making it up :o)
Having yesterday off and getting a FULL hour lunch today's a little awkward, I'm not really sure what to do with myself! I just wish Spring would finally kick in... instead we get more snow this weekend??? That's so not cool! ;)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
1 week!
One more week until taxes are due!!! I'm so excited to not have to work this awful schedule anymore! On the flip side, we thought we were doing the 'right thing' with our withholdings this year - turns out we didn't own the condo long enough to get the interest we needed - Now we owe!! Not just little pocket change either. It's a bit of a blow - but hey, what can you do!?!
We're getting closer with the house thing :o) Next week I'll be able to really focus on it and get things going. I've got A LOT of work to do at the condo, mainly reducing all the clutter, to get it sell ready!
Praying for a quick sell!!! Going back to an apartment until the house is built doesn't even bother me. It'll be saving money until we have a bigger mortgage... And it's less stress than building outside of contingency... that's way too scary to think about!
I'm wondering if we should maybe move somewhere outside of our normal little circle just to be able to try new things for a few months... Might be fun :o)
We're getting closer with the house thing :o) Next week I'll be able to really focus on it and get things going. I've got A LOT of work to do at the condo, mainly reducing all the clutter, to get it sell ready!
Praying for a quick sell!!! Going back to an apartment until the house is built doesn't even bother me. It'll be saving money until we have a bigger mortgage... And it's less stress than building outside of contingency... that's way too scary to think about!
I'm wondering if we should maybe move somewhere outside of our normal little circle just to be able to try new things for a few months... Might be fun :o)
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Solo Sleepers
Well, that didn't take long at all! Ben's former FTO got the spot he wanted. Which, when we saw she applied, we knew would happen. He said the 'interview' went well but it was just a formality. They have to meet with everyone that applies for it... The gal that got it is great and Ben learned a LOT from her! So he's not taking it personal being passed over for her :o)
I should say that Ben really and truly is happy where he is. He's doing the job he's always wanted to do and loves it... time and district are pretty small beans in comparison. He's on the list if another traffic spot opens up, eventually he'll get there.
So looks like we're sleeping solo for a while longer.
I should say that Ben really and truly is happy where he is. He's doing the job he's always wanted to do and loves it... time and district are pretty small beans in comparison. He's on the list if another traffic spot opens up, eventually he'll get there.
So looks like we're sleeping solo for a while longer.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
stress & PRAYER
See how in the title, I'm trying to really focus on the prayer part... it sometimes works!
Down to the last 2 weeks of tax season and I'm just tired! Being here until 7:30-8 at night with 5-10 minute lunches during the day, is really old. Working so late that I don't really see my husband - is also making me grumpy!! And as if work alone wasn't enough, Ben has his interview for that day shift tomorrow at 2:30 (middle of his night). There's 2 others that ended up applying, both with far more seniority :o( Ben's a bit bummed and not retaining much hope for it, but I'm still really praying that:
1) Ben can get enough sleep to be at the top of his game, and
2) that they'll see how focused he is.
Everyone said it could take years to get through the interview process and hired, Ben took 2 months from application to 1st pay check. (They also said he'd probably have to wait until he was at least 25 before they'd even consider him... But again, 2 weeks after turning 23 and he blew right through those interviews and psych eval's.)
AND we're looking into selling our condo to buy a house (new no less). We've filled out the applications to find out what we're really looking at, so we'll know more in the next couple days... But we really, really want this!! I think selling the condo will be the biggest task - so God's hearing a LOT about that! I'm a little overwhelmed at the moment but am trying to heed my Dad's advise of "don't panic". So far this morning, I'm doing okay.... God's got my voice playing in his ears about 95% of my waking hours - but I'm semi productive here at work so that's good :O) ... It's a beautiful day... And there's a mandatory staff meeting at lunch today... They're catering in to make sure we all take a break and eat something. (As much as I dread the commute, I really do work for great people!)
Well, there it is... Mi Vida Loca!
Down to the last 2 weeks of tax season and I'm just tired! Being here until 7:30-8 at night with 5-10 minute lunches during the day, is really old. Working so late that I don't really see my husband - is also making me grumpy!! And as if work alone wasn't enough, Ben has his interview for that day shift tomorrow at 2:30 (middle of his night). There's 2 others that ended up applying, both with far more seniority :o( Ben's a bit bummed and not retaining much hope for it, but I'm still really praying that:
1) Ben can get enough sleep to be at the top of his game, and
2) that they'll see how focused he is.
Everyone said it could take years to get through the interview process and hired, Ben took 2 months from application to 1st pay check. (They also said he'd probably have to wait until he was at least 25 before they'd even consider him... But again, 2 weeks after turning 23 and he blew right through those interviews and psych eval's.)
AND we're looking into selling our condo to buy a house (new no less). We've filled out the applications to find out what we're really looking at, so we'll know more in the next couple days... But we really, really want this!! I think selling the condo will be the biggest task - so God's hearing a LOT about that! I'm a little overwhelmed at the moment but am trying to heed my Dad's advise of "don't panic". So far this morning, I'm doing okay.... God's got my voice playing in his ears about 95% of my waking hours - but I'm semi productive here at work so that's good :O) ... It's a beautiful day... And there's a mandatory staff meeting at lunch today... They're catering in to make sure we all take a break and eat something. (As much as I dread the commute, I really do work for great people!)
Well, there it is... Mi Vida Loca!
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