Tuesday, April 21, 2009


My little man has his first ear infection. After 7 weeks we've officially heard him cry - a real cry... It's terribly sad!
He was in some pain last night and I was nearly in tears and Ben just followed us around the house trying to talk to Luke telling him he needed to stop cause he was making his Daddy really sad... Didn't work.
I totally understand now how people can OD their kids though! You give them the tylenol, wait and wait and when they're still upset after it should've kicked in, you wonder if just a little more is okay... Maybe he spit some out that I didn't see and didn't get a full dose? I was good but man it was hard! He did alright through the night, I set my alarm at the soonest he could have another dose of the tylenol so that there was always some pain reliever working in him to avoid it getting too bad again. He did get a bit worked up and I finally had to put him down to change his diaper and he fell asleep on his changing table. Previously (and all day today) anytime we'd move him we'd wake up so I didn't really want to pick him up only to try and lay him back down again, so what's a Mom to do? Take the changing pad with me. I lifted up the entire pad and put it on our bed in between us and he slept there the rest of the night instead of his bassinet.
With it being so warm the last couple days it's been really hard not to overheat him while trying to rock him. He really loves his car seat so this afternoon after a long few hours of trying but not successfully napping we put him in his car seat and walked around the house for a minute like we were headed out to the car and he was gone! I was able to take him out in that and do a little yard work too! The doctor said we caught it before it got really bad, and we've got antibiotics going so hopefully this will only take another day to get him feeling better! Still with not feeling great he's starting to be a little social. He was on my lap today telling me a story with his sweet little voice! He's not smiling interactively yet, but I think it's close. He's also starting laughing as he drifts off to sleep on occasion, which means that Ben and I hover every time he's falling asleep hoping to hear a little boy giggle.   


~The White family~ said...

Poor sweet boy! Hope he is starting to feel better! Auntie send lots and lots of kisses and can't wait to see him really soon ;) xoxo

Scott, Teresa and Gabby said...

Sorry he's not feeling so hot! We will be praying for you! How are you doing?

Christina Johnson said...

He misses his Auntie too!!

Aunt Teresa - Thanks! I'm doing alright, little boy toes happen to nail both incisions from the surgery when he kicks during the time I'm trying to burp him, so every now and again I'm reminded they're there. :)

Chris Kaatz said...

I hope he is feeling better soon! Poor baby! I love the pictures of him in the green t-shirt. CUTE!