Wednesday, April 15, 2009

When it Rains...

Today I went in to my OB's office for my post natal, 6 week check up and I had planned on getting an IUD. I really don't do well with oral BC, it always makes me feel sick and I was loving some of the benefits of the IUD. We knew I had a retro-verted Uterus, but didn't know it was tilted so severely. This made the insertion incredibly painful and because my doctor couldn't make visual confirmation it was in right, she wanted me to have an ultrasound to check the placement. It became clear rather quickly, even before my ultrasound that it wasn't right and my doctor quickly got me in and we found that the IUD was no where to be seen (apparently there are long strings attached to allow for placement that get cut when it's right, so thankfully she had a way to get it out, but on the screen they noticed quite a bit of fluid. I called Ben during the ultrasound who was almost to work and told him I needed him. He got to the doctor's office as my doctor was explaining the risks of the emergency surgery they were about to do. Hysterectomy was mentioned and I lost it - to which my doctor got upset too and all but promised me she would find the bleed and fix it before that became necessary, but she wasn't sure she could promise that she wouldn't have to cut my stomach open. (initially it would be laproscopic.) And she was almost sure that a transfusion would be in the picture. She never left my side for more than a few moments, to get her coat and cancel the rest of her day and she wheeled me herself to the hospital (thank goodness the building's connect!)
Ben was with me and my amazing friend Aubrey came to get Luke while I was in surgery. Ben was told it went really well, that the blood on the ultrasound was far more than she would expect with the perforation that the IUD made while shooting out the side of my Uterus. No big incisions, no transfusion, just a few stitches to close up the hole... Praise God!
My mom is staying with us tonight to help with my sick little man (he and his Daddy got a cold) and we'll be spending Ben's work shift with Chris and Dad tomorrow - who are both working from home. I'm actually doing alright, just really, really sore. My prayer request is for a quick heal for me and that Luke doesn't get the Chicken Pox! Yes, the chicken pox. (This is part of the 'it pours') Ben's poor grandfather found out Easter evening that he has shingles, he held Luke for a little while on Easter afternoon and we're praying it wasn't enough exposure to infect him. His pediatrician's office told us it'll be 2-3 weeks before we know and there's not a thing anyone can do for him in the meantime... She doesn't know how many "pray-ers" we're blessed to know! 
I've got some cute Luke pictures I took at the request of Ben's mom who's in Mexico right now that I'll try to get up tomorrow. 


~The White family~ said...

I am so glad you are okay! You scared me today!!! I am so honored to watch the little man and can't wait for my next "date" with him :) My Mom and sister helped me a lot today too, or should I say they hogged him! We were blessed to help you out! Love you lots and I am so greatful you are okay!

The Holden Family said...

We will definitely keep you and Luke in our prayers.

Scott, Teresa and Gabby said...

We are praying too! Glad to hear you are on the mend as well. Sorry that you had to go through all of that though!

Stacy K said...

You Hart girls. The strangest things happen to you. I called Cindy right after she talked to you and started to pray too. So thank you that you are doing better. We will pray "No Chicken Pox, please."

Unknown said...! Christina, you poor thing!! I can't believe the things you've gone through in the past 6 weeks, but am so glad you're okay...

I'll pray, too...NO CHICKEN POX! That's one trial that I vote you shouldn't have to deal with...

Take care, girlie! I hope all is well going forward and that you can finally settle into some sort of normalcy! :)

Gramma Carol said...

My word! Things happen fast with you! So sorry to hear that happened. Praying no chicken pox for Luke and also praying for poor Grandpa with shingles. Been there, done that.