Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Couple Days Late

Ben works nights, so he has to leave the house by 9ish (8 on his Monday's)... And now that it's tax season, I don't get home until 7-7:30 (on a good day). This obviously doesn't leave a great amount of time to have a Valentine's Day, but Wednesday night when I got home - Ben was itching to give me my gift early, he didn't want to wait any longer. He made me go stand in front of the mirror and close my eyes. He came up behind me and put a necklace on and allowed me to look. It was the necklace we saw at an antique gallery a couple weeks ago. I was eyeing it and just loved, though I didn't even think he was paying attention, he went back a few days later and picked it up. We love going to antique shops, my favorite is always the jewelry - it reminds me of being little and getting the (off) chance to peek at my Great Grandma's pieces... For Ben, antique shops are like a kid in a candy store! He wants to know what every single thing in there was, and was used for, and when.

Thursday morning when he got home from work (6am) he got his gift. We don't buy 'toys' from the general bank account, this mainly applies to Ben - his guns, gun 'accessories' and car stuff come from his fun money accounts that he saves up from selling other guns, gun accessories and car stuff. (Oh and his military stuff - let's not forget that) So I went to the bank, got a bunch of $1 bills and taped them end to end. I made a massage certificate - one where I'd break out the table and sheets - and taped it into the center of all the bills. Rolled them all up and stuffed them into a small kleenex box with the end sticking just slightly out of the hole. That way, when he pulled it, it was this big stream of money - he thought it was pretty great  :o)

Later that day, if the necklace wasn't great enough,  he had a dozen red roses and a cute little heart box of chocolates delivered to me at work! The roses are still just beautiful and with me there 6 days a week - I've been able to really enjoy them! 

He's a keeper!


Scott, Teresa and Gabby said...

Yes he's definitely a keeper! It sounds like you guys did it up right.

~The White family~ said...

What a good boy! That is sweet that he bought you the necklace you were eyeing and you didn't even know he was paying any attention! Those are the best surprises :)