I can't believe I forgot to blog this! Ever have those moments when your body actually jolts at the very second you finally 'get it'? ...It clicks in your mind, it feels like you just got smacked, and from somewhere you hear this big giant "DUH!"?
I had one of those Friday night around 1:30 in the morning. Let me preface by saying that it's always an 'event' when I'm reading off directions to Ben in the car, I'll read it line by line from the Google maps print out, but for some reason I'm not speaking his language - we get turned around and then it's somehow my fault!?!
So here we are, 1:30 in the morning and I'm making cupcakes for Emily for Saturday. (We ended up going to the game Friday night so I wasn't able to do them at a decent hour, and we needed to be at their house around 9am... And I'm not a morning person!) I finish the cupcakes and am ready to move onto the frosting. I found a recipe for one on the Internet and Ben was on the computer so I figured, no need to write it down - he can just read it off to me, there's only a few ingredients, it'll be easier this way... Yeah, here's how it went: (Please keep in mind we're ice cream people, not cake and frosting people, so I don't make it!! If I have to - I buy it already done!)
Ben: "'x amount' of Butter... 'x amount' of sugar (he left out the word confectioners because he didn't know what it was... Thankfully I knew I needed the powdered sugar!)... "'x amount' milk"
Christina: "Wait, am I just supposed to be throwing it all in and mixing it together?"
Ben: Getting frustrated that I'm questioning him on such a simple task "Huh?... It just says butter, sugar and then milk..."
So I dump the milk in, not having read the recipe myself, maybe they do get all mixed together - he's LOOKING right at it - he should know. I had the vanilla all ready and love it so I just splashed it in there - no need for measurements on that.
Ben: " Cream butter and sugar together until fluffy and then... Oh!"
Christina: Now in the room giving him the 'are you kidding me, look': "So about a minute ago I asked if I'm mixing them all together... this was when that last phrase would have been appropriate"
Ben: "They're all just in a list..."
Christina: "Have you seen a recipe before? The ingredients are always 'just in a list' - instructions are down below!"
Ben: "Hmmm, well that's stupid"
Still shocked that my 25 year old husband had never seen a recipe before IT hit me! Right then, smack! No longer irritated with him, I immediately felt empathy!
Christina: "Oh my goodness! Is this how you feel when I'm reading directions in the car to you?"
It turned out that it was a crappy recipe, it called for half the sugar than others so it was really runny! I needed to scratch it and try it again anyway...But from here forward, Ben will no longer read me recipes and I will no longer be his navigator!