My Mom was admitted to the hospital for weakness on her right side, trouble breathing, chest tightness, and some painful tingling down her right leg... It turned out that an operation was immediately necessary to avoid further spinal cord damage and/or paralysis from the neck down. It was a complicated procedure that was supposed to take 2-2 1/2 hours, but actually turned into 4. They went in through the front of her throat, moved all her vocal 'stuff' out of the way, removed 3 vertebrae, added a cage - which they filled with bone fragments (apparently that would grow together to give more protection to the spine), added a metal plate and a few pegs/screws... Absolutely amazing to me the stuff they can do! She did end up with 2 blood clots the night of the operation (praise God someone was in the room to when she couldn't breathe and caught them quickly) they were able to suction both out. An additional draining tube went into the incision site at that time as well so she was rather uncomfortable, therefore mercifully drugged up for the rest of the night!
Believe it or not, this turned out to be a total answer to prayer! I was scared that it could be from (another) stroke or her MS and that it would be irreversible... Now she's feeling SO much better! Both draining tubes were removed yesterday, her sensory issues with the leg subsided almost immediately - or at least as soon as they let up on the drugs so that she could actually feel something. Today she was so strong, she got up in her walker and got herself to the bathroom. We got a little chair for the shower and washed her hair, shaved her legs and got her yucky chipped nail polish off from a really old pedicure. It was a bit tiring but she felt better after that. We watched a mediocre Jennifer Garner movie and a few marathon SVU episodes between "really long blinks" :o) They're saying that she'll be getting her strength back with every new day and that with some help, rehab, and a few weeks off of work - she'll be back to 'better than normal'. God is so good! Confusing at times, but oh so good!
I was able to enjoy moments with Aubrey and the kids as well! The girls are getting so big, so fast! I love the little conversations they have with each other! There are SO many cute little quotes I heard and am so bummed that I've already forgotten a few... Aubrey, how do you keep track?! Brady turned 1 today, he's such a good baby!
A few things I learned:
- Never trust the Greyhound bus schedules, online or by phone. Always go to the ticket counter!
- If you don't take your sick mommy soup, you're a bad girl! - thank you Lexi
- Reagan's skirts can walk, jump into sinks and turn on the water - ALL by themselves!
- Always check the dates on mini mart ice cream cartons! Apparently no one has liked strawberry ice cream in Moses Lake since before November.
Aubrey, thank you for being so great this weekend! 5 kids, a husband, house to keep, Vacation Bible School nursery duty, and what turned into an emotional house guest depriving you of sleep - You truly are Super Woman! I love you!
In all of this, I was able to snap a few pictures though :o)
Brady in one of the birthday outfits from us

(L-R) Lexi, Lorelai, Makenna & Reagan
Little Chicks
This didn't work out as well as we'd hoped. If Brady's not strapped down he's moving... And it's 97 degrees outside!

The twins
You will have to email me the ones you "fixed up" with black and white with a little color! You are amazing...I love you so much and I am so thankful I have you in my life. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!
Wow, Chrissy, your life is always exciting. I admire your capabilities in handling surprise situations. Great photos, too!
It was a great ride over but I'm sorry that you weren't able to stay the whole weekend. The ride home was VERY long with out you! On the other hand I'm very glad that your mom is doing better and I'm glad that you were able to get home to her even though it was a challenge to do. We will continue to pray for her.
I would love to try it again whenever you and Aubrey are up to it. Let me know if we can schedule something.
Love Teresa
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