Tuesday, August 26, 2008

a boy and his doe

With the King County budget crunch and the lack of people/traffic in Ben's district, he and his district partner have round aboutly been instructed to keep the gas bills down by doing your rounds occasionally and then sitting still for a while unless needed. So Ben has this nice quiet little spot in a wooded area along one of the 'main' roads that he'll sit at for a while, either doing paperwork or waiting for someone to drive by (...Or scouting out the latest gunbroker.com and ebay deals!) The last few nights he's had a 'girl friend' come lay about 10 feet or so away, along the side of his truck and munch at the shrubs and grass. He took a cell phone picture of his Doe last night and sent it to me. He called and told me he'd decided that he'd go to the grocery store and pick up something for himself to eat and maybe grab her an apple, then later he'd come back and toss it out where she likes to lay. He got a few calls that disrupted his plans and was talking to his Sgt later in his shift (early this morning) and found out his district buddy messed up his car a little when a deer ran out in front of him... Right on Ben's road, right in front of where he parks. Ben confirmed with him it was a Doe, and is pretty convinced with timing and location that it was his Doe. I had one bummed out boy walk in from work this morning, "Steve hit my deer!"
...And he thinks he could be a hunter.


~The White family~ said...

Oh no! So sorry Ben :(

Scott, Teresa and Gabby said...

How SAD!!

Gramma Carol said...

What a bummer! Sorry that happened!