Friday, August 1, 2008

4 weeks from today

We have to be completely out of the condo (and into the POD) in 4 weeks! We're set to close on the 29th of August! Ben's parents have been gracious enough to let us bring our cats and stay in the apartment above the shop for the 2 weeks until our house is done. We decided on a POD instead of storage. It's going to be so much easier! No moving trucks and a few days to load/unload at each place... Score!

Now I just have to get up the motivation to pack! This weekend is my only available (full)weekend - that also just hit me - before the move. Unfortunately, I have a huge workbook for some continuing ed class that I have to complete before my license expires this month. Though I'm not practicing, I'd still like to stay licensed (still paying the loans - might as well). I chose a prenatal class with an intro into pediatrics. If I ever go back to massage, in any capacity, that's where I've always wanted to be.

1 comment:

~The White family~ said...

How fun!!! I LOVE the idea of a POD. I think the next time we move and they have that around here we should do that. I am thinking I will need about 10 of them though. Can't wait to see you over labor day weekend and celebrate your birthday :) Maybe we should double date one night...where does the birthday girl wanna go if we can make it work?