Thursday, August 7, 2008


I took yesterday off, primarily because I had to... I'm working Saturday to upgrade a few programs on our servers and because we're not really supposed to be getting overtime this time of the year, I had to take a day out. Why Wednesday you ask? Only because the other chick that would cover for me has had today through next Tuesday off.

Anyway, it was probably really good that it worked out like that. We've hit another fairly decent road block in the sale of the condo. Apparently with all the bad loans, Fannie Mac and Walter Mac have decided to REALLY tighten down on their loan restrictions. There is a piece of documentation that must be part of EVERY condo association's paperwork (as of August 1st) and of course - we don't have it! It's called an 'Attorney Opinion Letter' and the kicker is that, up until yesterday, we couldn't find a single person who knew what it was or why we would need it - NOR a single attorney that would even touch it! Talk about stress! Thankfully yesterday morning (after sleeping in just a little) I got on the phones and finally found someone who would write it - now the trick is finding out who's responsible for paying for this $1,200 piece of paper? A piece of paper, mind you that will contain only the information that can already be found on the Public Offering Statement and the Resale Certificate, to which our buyer's lender already has! GRRR!

We've got conflicting info, because it's SO NEW for answering this question. Our agent and the lender think that it's the HOA's responsibility because it needs to be a part of the Condo Docs now. I and the attorney (that hasn't written one for this purpose, but has for ligation's) think it's the buyers responsibility as it's a condition of her loan. However, the buyer and her agent believe that it's our responsibility because it's 'like' the resale cert - and we had to pay for that as just a cost of selling a condo. Ben was confused and on his work computer looking for overtime shifts, just in case :o) Bottom line, if no one wants to pay for it - we gotta sell the condo so we're going to have to figure it out! Ben's pretty much going to walk into the HOA meeting tonight and tell them that if we pay for this, when the other guy in the development comes asking for it (he's close to selling his unit as well)... Don't even think of asking for a copy!

And if you think this is a gripe fest - look above again... I FOUND SOMEONE TO WRITE IT! I'm merely setting up the scene of how ridiculous the last week has been! While the whole $$($$) deal is still up in the air, the fact that someone is willing to write this darn thing was answered prayer for the day. We ran some errands and then ended up at the store where we decided to treat ourselves for lunch and bought these yummy looking (already packaged) kabobs!

A little olive oil, garlic, pepper, and of course Johnny's... threw them on the BBQ and YUM! I cut up some other veggies we had in the fridge and got out our Costco Ranch for dipping, set it all out and before I could take a picture of the spread, Ben was already chowing down :o)

All in all, I'm chalking yesterday up as a success :o)


~The White family~ said...

I am so sorry! I'm sure things will work out soon. I LOVE YOU!

Scott, Teresa and Gabby said...

Hope all works out quickly.

The kabobs look YUMMY!