Saturday, August 23, 2008

Working, Packing, and...

...Barfing! Sorry, it's gross but all I'm doing anymore! For the last 4 weeks, I have felt just awful! I know it's temporary but it's seriously getting in the way. At the appointment for the ultrasound the doctor asked how I was doing and assumed I'd say a little sick for some of the day but didn't like that it was 24 hours, and keeping me awake at night, especially with the buying/selling/moving stresses on top of that so instead of offering some meds that would help with the nausea - he asked me to take them, if nothing else at least at night, so I could get some sleep. He started off immediately at the top with 'the good stuff' Zofran... The same stuff my Papa took while going through chemo! I was excited at the thought of getting some relief but unfortunately they really don't work  for me! :o(   Such a bummer!
We've finally started packing around here though! Due to all this attorney letter garbage and really, really poor property management (they've been fired and will be replaced on the first - too late for us but good for our neighbors!) we've had to push back the closing on the condo from this Friday to the next. This meant that we could've had our own bed, and furniture for an additional week, spending only one week on an inflatable mattress up in the backyard shop apartment of my in-laws... but we're not! Ben is so done with this place, he wants out now! So the POD gets dropped off in a little less than 36 hours and we'll be loading little bits all week. I should say Ben will be with the help of whomever we can scrounge up. It's so hard packing a box and then having to leave it or not being 'able' to move the dressers because it's all 'too heavy' for me right now - I'm not used to being so useless! Especially during moving time - I'm a pro at moving!


~The White family~ said...

:( I am sorry you are so sick! I will be there in 6 days to make it all better ;) (ok, maybe not all better but maybe we can get your mind off of the barfing for a few hours while we shop in Sumner!)

Love ya and I CAN'T WAIT to see you!!!

Scott, Teresa and Gabby said...

We will be praying for you. I wish we could be of more help to you!

Gramma Carol said...

This, too, shall pass in time.

Chris Kaatz said...

Sorry you are so sick. Please let me know if you need some help packing, or anything!

Love you lots,

J Yo said...

Oh, sorry you're feeling so yucky...lots of ginger ale and saltines should help a bit. It'll all be worth it in just a few months. :)