Monday, September 15, 2008

My Generation?

Lindsay Lohan: "I really cannot bite my tongue anymore when it comes to Sarah Palin," "Is it a sin to be gay? Should it be a sin to be straight? Or to use birth control? Or to have sex before marriage? Or even to have a child out of wedlock?"...
"Do what you know is right in your heart, vote for Obama"...
And then my favorite part:
"In the words of Pamela Anderson, 'She can suck it''

Really? Somehow this girl thinks that her recent switch to homosexuality and her release from rehab has made her the one who's moral compass is the one to synchronize with. In her rant on Palin, she's urging people to vote for Obama, because Palin personally believes that homosexuality is wrong.

The religion of our candidates alone is NOT the reason I believe we should vote for one or the other - we are in a war and an economical crisis here... I personally hope that the person in charge of our country seeks God for wisdom while making decisions, but that's me!... However, conservatives are not to be convinced that a radical Muslim upbringing, and separatist 'christian' teachings of 20 years with pastor J. Wright should weigh in at all when it comes into Barack Obama's decision making, yet the Christian beliefs of the GOP, VICE presidential candidate qualifies?
I thank God he sent his son to teach us compassion, love, forgiveness and grace for the sins we commit... And know that we can love each other while not agreeing or condoning those sins. Palin never attacked this girl personally, just disagrees with choice she chooses to make.

I love that Lohan continues with such an intelligent comment about what she thinks Palin should occupy her time with... A classic from yet another 'moral icon.'

Brilliant! Lord, help my generation!
Oh P.S. After this rant, Lohan tripped in a doorway while walking - but assumed she was tripped by a photographer - so she turned around and punched them in the nose!

...So I was thinking about joining the LL fan club - anyone in for a group discount?


Gramma Carol said...

I'm so dang proud of you, I could burst! :-) Way to recognize idiocy when you accidentally step in it.

Rusting away in Washington said...

Any time any of those girls Brittney paris or lohan.... Open their mouth they sound so stupid! I just change the channel!

Scott, Teresa and Gabby said...

I love it!! Way to go Christina! You hit the nail on the head.

Jon & Jen said...

Yes, while I absolutely hate Sarah Palin and could not disagree with her viewpoints more, it's unfortunate that Lindsay Lohan felt the need to open her big yap about the matter.

I mean it's not like her comments are actually helping, since she's not exactly known for her intelligence...

~The White family~ said...

Amen, sister!

Christina Johnson said...

Wow Jen, you 'hate' Palin? With such a high approval rating among both parties up in Alaska - that's interesting that you disagree with her so much... If I had more faith in my generation I'd love the fact that such idiots are following the Obama route - I think it says a lot.

Jon & Jen said...

Okay, so she has a high approval rating in one state... but am I supposed to agree with someone just because they have a high approval rating?

Besides, it's fairly meaningless that she has a high approval rating in Alaska, since hardly anyone lives there.

But if you want to talk about whether or not a candidate is liked, then know this: only 114,697 people voted for Palin in order for her to win her office, which is less than 0.03% of the U.S. population. By comparison, Obama obtained 3,597,456 votes to win his office, which is over 30 times more votes than Palin got. I guess plenty of people approve of him as well.

In actuality, though, the approval ratings of either candidate aren’t that important to me. I mainly disagree with her views on women's rights issues (e.g. I think it is ironic that she said her daughter “chose” to keep her baby and she supports her in that decision, yet by taking the pro-life stance she’s basically saying that the rest of the country should not be allowed the chance to make that decision for themselves.) That just seems rather hypocritical to me.

Lastly, while I may have initially misconstrued my feelings on the matter - I hate her political positions, not her personally - it's unfortunate that you have decidedly lumped me in with the "idiots... following the Obama route." I'm not 'following' anyone; I just happen to dislike one candidate’s policies more than the other’s. Thanks, though.

Christina Johnson said...

No problem, seeing as the idiots I was referring to went back to the original Lindsay Lohan 'idiot' post, agreeing with your comment that she wasn't exactly the most intelligent.

I could go on defending myself but I think it's clear the point of the post was missed. Notice I never made an 'attack' on Lindsay just because she supports Obama, I have my reasons why I will not support Obama, yet they are not in the post either. Lohan gives no point as to why she does like him, just her tirade over why she doesn't like Palin.

I'm sorry if you misunderstood my comment back to you, however I'm not interested in debating my views within my comments section. I know enough about your political stance to know we don't agree, yet I don't come and make remarks or post stats on your blog about them because that is your space - to put your thoughts... Like this page is mine.
Please do not confuse my unwillingness to do this, conceding that I'm not intelligent enough to come up with any valid ones, but I truly don't see how it's appropriate nor that there's a point. This isn't a forum, it's a blog.

Jon & Jen said...

That's fine if you don't want to debate politics on your blog; you're right, it is your space.

You are welcome to post comments on my blog, however, since I enjoy the opportunity to debate and really dig into the issues.

Anyway, suffice to say that I had misunderstood your response to my comment, and I was just trying to defend myself and my views. I certainly wasn't trying to pick a fight with a pregnant woman; I'm liberal, not evil.

Ward Kaatz said...

oh goodness, I've come across a thread about politics...must step away....can't step away...oh crap here I go....

I am concerned about Palin. She lacks any serious experience. Goodness, she's never even left the country.

Firing a Librarian for her views on banning books to me is chilling and a show stopper. Trying to destroy the career of a cop and a public safety commissioner over a divorce of a relative freaks me to no end. is she Palin or Stalin?

We used to point our fingers at how stupid the Soviets were selecting party cronies for important positions, instead of qualified people. Palin exercises party litmus tests for city positions. I don't want to live in an american soviet state.

However, Palin is just the VP pick. McCain is the real threat. His work supporting Airbus over Boeing to me is near treasonous. His turning his back on the remaining POWs is shameful (one only has to look for the real stories about this stuff)

Our economy is in shambles, more of the same is frightening. Obama may not be perfect, but he's not one of the homeboys that put our economy where it is now.

Btw, an anagram for "Sarah Palin" is "Sharia Plan".

Also, Obama is not a muslim. lets try to avoid believing in the lies and propaganda.

just my 4 cents. (old person discount)