Thursday, May 8, 2008

Kids say...

So little Brady was finally diagnosed with Asthma. The doctors have been saying that he's got pnemonia that he just couldn't get rid of (for almost 5 months!)... These doctor's finally got tired of Aubrey telling them that they were wrong all the time and her persistence paid off. She was finally able to get a specialist to look at him, and it's been established that the poor boy has been living in an asthma state of attack for months now.
Not to mention that little #5 of the White kids is the only one in the family that now has allergies to pets and foods (that can throw him into attacks with the asthma.) My dear friend now has to come up with a new diet for her little man that excludes ALL dairy, most fruits, and peanuts. Now let's think of all the things that you feed toddlers... Just about everything that comes to my mind is either made with dairy products or contains something listed above. Anyways, so she drilling it into the girls not to give Brady anything to eat unless Mommy approves it. Then in conversation explaining to family, friends, etc. about what's going on, the girls have picked up 2 very interesting words: "asthma" and "allergic"... Click HERE to see what they've done with it... It's adorable!
Hey, Carma - Brady's darn near Vegan now... Got any good little snacks you can think of that Aubrey can try with him when he gets teeth? :o)

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