I love Carters clothes! The onsies especially! They're not super wide and really short like some others you find - and at the actual Carters store, they're always on sale! Apparently the store opens at midnight Thursday and you can save 10% off the already 50% (entire store) markdown if you shop between midnight and noon! I haven't been able to find if the Supermall store qualifies for the midnight opening or if it's just the outlet in North Bend - I'm not much for the 5 am shopping spree after Turkey day, especially at a mall, some chicks drink a little too much Joe and are kind of scary. I'm all for saving a few bucks, but not at the risk of having to literally box for it! Midnight shopping might be fun however :o) Thought I'd share these in case anyone else has little ones that need adorable Carters clothes! And Mommy's that might want to save 50% + 10% if you get up early enough... OR 50% and the additional 20-25% for spending $50-100. Seriously, it's like robbing the store! (Osh Gosh is owned by the same people and are having an equally kick butt sale, if anyone wants those too, let me know!)
*It looks like they need to be printed directly from an email - these might be too small to be valid if printed off here... if anyone's interested and doesn't want to put their email in my comments (if I don't already have it) email me at chrissy828@hotmail.com... This is my coupon/fun junk email address so that Ben doesn't get mad having to filter through the floods of crap-mail on the home computer - I'll check it regularly for the next couple days for this!
**If you're a 'secret reader', please don't be shy - I blog hop too, and always feel a little stalker-ish :o) Everyone can use a good deal right now - I'd love to forward these on!

Okay, you know you have a shopping buddy for the midnight shopping spree :) I am all yours! And print me off some of those coupons (I got a mail one but I don't know if it's the same thing??) So instead of coffee we should get cokes and eggrolls :)
Could you know me any better!?! We so have a date!
I called the Supermall and they are not one of the stores to be open at midnight...BUT North Bend is :)
Sorry the last two are from me (Aubrey) I am updating my Mom's quilt post! And YES...it's a date!
Could you please email it to me too!!!
Congrats Christina! Im so excited for you!
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