Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Well that blew by! Thanksgiving was busy, as usual - filled with lots of family and yummy food... and usually a little bloating :o)
Aubrey was in town and we did our midnight madness shopping out at the outlet, I did better than I thought staying up that late. It was great to get out and spend some time with her! Shopping was actually pleasurable! People were in their jammies, laid back, still semi-comatose from turkey... just the way you need to be when spending $$! I got into the stores though and completely froze, didn't know what to buy! That faded eventually and I got a couple jammies, some burp cloths, a couple little outfits... all at 80% off, so I did really well! Breakfast with Brandon, Aubrey, the twins and Brady Saturday morning, followed by some afternoon shopping with mom. Sunday was the start of me not feeling so hot, Ben had the beginnings of a cold for a couple days, but up until Sunday was feeling pretty normal. I made some soup and we laid low all day. 
I actually stayed home Monday thinking if I just rested enough it might not hit me. Rest, we did. We both slept most of the day, awake for maybe a few hours in the afternoon and then back to bed. It worked for Ben, but after work last night I was toast, and rapidly felt worse throughout the night. I made it to work today but couldn't make it past 3. Now I'm siting in my sweats with a yucky cup of hot Thera-flu (my doctor assured me it was safe) but yuck! 
I actually have ZERO pictures from this weekend, I decided to leave the camera at home and enjoy the festivities instead of trying to capture everyone else's enjoyment - and bug them to death with pictures :o)


Scott, Teresa and Gabby said...

Sounds like a fun weekend up until you started feeling yucky! We will pray that you feel better soon!

~The White family~ said...

I had so much fun with you!!!! I hope you feel better soon...I don't think you should be able to get sick when you are's not fair! Love you and we'll talk soon!