Aubrey posted this a while ago, and then posted pictures of her cute kids... so I completely missed it assuming I'd already seen it... Here it is, Aubrey. I'm sorry it took so long!
I'm tagging everyone else that reads this to do it and then let me know so I can see it!! :o)
1. What time did you get up this morning? 5:30 am, I snoozed a bit
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds :o) But I love my pearls!
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Dark Knight on Sunday
4. What is your favorite TV show? SVU
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Crackers or toast
6. What is your middle name? Lee
7. What food do you dislike? Coconut! Most seafood
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? My random iTunes burns
9. What kind of car do you drive? Chevy
10. What is your favorite sandwich? The yummy Panini's Aubrey's sister makes!
12. Favorite item of clothing? My Soma yoga capri's - I'm all about comfort!
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Oohh, that's hard! I'd love to see the history and architecture of Greece, Rome, & Italy. The countryside of Ireland, Austria, and Switzerland. The beaches of Spain, South Africa, Fiji & the British Virgin Islands (Baths of Virgin Gorda to be specific!) There's a list just as long for my nation wide wishes too!
14. Are you an organized person? I try… but my husband loves 'things'… there's always 'things' everywhere!
15. Where would you retire to? I'd love to say somewhere warm and sunny so that I could slither around like a lizard on my beach - but I really do love the green here! I'd really just want to be as near as possible to my family (with the means to be a travel lizard!)
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? Most recent memorable? I remember the last one - which was actually pretty great! Orcas Island with my boy. Flying in a biplane, watching the moon eclipse over the beach, getting my beautiful pearls… So yes, last year!
17. What are you going to do when you finish this? Finish my lunch break
18. Furthest place you are sending this? Going on the blog - everywhere baby!
19. Person you expect to send it back first? I'm posting it on the blog, not emailing it… So no one! (Aubrey blogged it already)
20. When is your birthday? August 28th!
21. Morning person or a night person? NIGHT! I love when I can get up early in the morning on a weekend and just have the entire day… but I really am a night owl!
22. What is your shoe size? 9.5 - 10! I share shoes with my big-footed buddy Aubrey (when we don't buy the same pair!)
23. Pets? 2 cats and a 'Ben' … with all his 'things'
24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? Sold our condo and building a house!
25. What did you want to be when you were little? A stable person… In love, a good marriage, great loving family. A good person with wonderful people to call friends. The job was never the focus for me - what ever I can stand to enable me to be there for my family.
26. How are you today? Sleepy!
27. What is your favorite flower? Deep purple tulips, dark red cala lillies, bright pink gerbera daisy's, and bluish-purply hydrangeas!!! (Not together)
28. What are you listening to right now? 105.3 streaming to my workstation
29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Friday… Every one of them!
30. What was the last thing you ate? Turkey, jack cheese, lettuce and sprout sandwich on 9 grain.
31. Do you wish on stars? Nope, but I like to watch them!
32. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple… not sure why
33. How is the weather right now? It’s a bit gray and drizzly :o) It's a nice break (for one day!)
34. Last person you spoke to on the phone? The Dell guy, I just ordered a bunch of new computers for the office.
35. Favorite soft drink? Diet Coke
36. Favorite restaurant? Olive Garden, Chopsticks (little Chinese spot in Kent), and The Nordy's café :0)
37. Hair color? blondish
38. What was your favorite toy as a child? My cousins ;o)
39. Summer or Winter? I like just about every season… I'm ready for the change by the time it comes… but my very very favorite is the end of Summer/1st of Fall. Not freezing cold, but still really clear skies and beautiful orangy-red leaves!
40. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
41. Coffee or tea? No thanks!
42. Do you want your friends to email you back? When I email them yes, I'd like to see some other post this on their blogs though :o)
43. When was the last time you cried? Last week
44. What is under your bed? A tupperware of wrapping paper, probably some socks…. And Ben's shoes
45. What did you do last night? Had dinner with my in-laws
46. What are you afraid of? The usual… Ben not making it home from work, a sick family member, loosing someone I love…. Oh and snakes!
47. Salty or sweet? Salty
48. How many keys on your key ring? 4
49. How many years at your current job? 2
50. Favorite day of the week? Which ever one I get to spend the most time with my husband.
51. Do you make friends easily? I think so... Though I only have a couple close ones. It's too hard to have a one sided friendship - I let all those ones go!
53. How many will respond? I don’t know… I hope I get some comments
54. Do you like finding out all this stuff about your friends? Of course!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Ben and I had our framewalk for the house this morning! It was just a bunch of information walking through every room with the Superintendent pointing out every wire, pipe, fan, connection, etc. and giving us the low down on why it's all there. I learned about truss expansion and slides attached to the framework (for earthquakes)... I hope Ben remembered it all! The exterior is pretty much done (minus the concrete work) and they'll start insulation today with the interior!
The condo had it's inspection yesterday, so we'll find out today if we still have our buyer. I don't know what they could possibly find 'wrong' with it. The sucker was gutted and completely new last June. It passed city codes for permits and loans... so we're praying!!
The condo had it's inspection yesterday, so we'll find out today if we still have our buyer. I don't know what they could possibly find 'wrong' with it. The sucker was gutted and completely new last June. It passed city codes for permits and loans... so we're praying!!
Here's the house progress as of this morning:
Living room
With my 'super powers' I can see Ben in the hall from inside the laundry room! :o)
From my bedroom looking into the master bath (right) and master closet (left)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
What a Guy!
Most of the time I've got Ben pegged! He'll start to giggle about something and all I have to do is look around his area to see what sparked the wheels to turn and I can almost always tell what he's thinking or about to say. Today he surprised me! We were down in the West Valley Highway/Industrial area when we saw a restaurant we'd heard about in one of the newer strips. Obviously closed on the weekends, we still drove in to see the hours. As we were sitting at the light to get back out of the parking lot, Ben opened his door reached out, snagged this flower and with a cheesy grin gave it to me, "I got you something! It's technically malicious mischief, but I got you a pretty flower!" I've had a hard last few days, and was spacing out a bit when he did it so it was an even sweeter gesture. As our light turned green he said "If they didn't want me to do it - there would be a sign 'please don't pick the flowers' !" Man, it sure is a good thing there wasn't a cop around!! :o)
Friday, July 18, 2008
I was searching for ecards today looking for one to send to Tiffany and found the funniest cards ever!! A few of them use 'big-boy' language, but the rest of them are too funny to let that get in the way. They all remind me of things Ben would say if he could get away with it! Dry, sarcastic humor.... Enjoy!
Some ecards
Some ecards
Offer Accepted!
So, we did get an offer in on Wednesday night! We signed our papers yesterday morning to officially accept it! It's such a relief! Ben celebrated yesterday by not making the bed! Because he sleeps until the afternoon, he's been responsible for getting up and making the bed every afternoon... When I got home yesterday, I walked into the bedroom and the blankets and sheets were all messy, I tried to make it before we went to meet my family to celebrate Jake and Grandpa's birthday and Ben said, "Nope, we're celebrating"!!
Hopefully he makes it today... we don't know yet when her inspector is coming!
Hopefully he makes it today... we don't know yet when her inspector is coming!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Latest Fav's
Chop Salad from Fondi's (Kent Station)-
I had 2 this weekend, they're THAT stinkin' good! *Their pizza is also killer!
The Body Shop: Satsuma and Coconut (burned together)
I've gone through 12 tealight candles since Saturday, no joke. Ben's concerned about me burning the condo down before a buyer comes - speaking of which, our agent called last night and we should be expecting an offer within the next 48 hours!! PTL!!:o)
in my cute new Body Shop burner
Starbucks Blended Lemonade -
Next time I'll get a little one though, it's pretty sweet - and you have to drink it before it melts... avoid a tummy ache and just get the tall!
CO Bigelow Apothecaries: Lemon body cream from Bath & Body Works -
Cinnamint Mentha Lip Shine-
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
So this morning, as I was pathetically happy about pumping my $4.26/gallon gas, I remembered being little and driving with my Dad. I can't tell you where we were, other than on a very busy main road. I rememeber he needed to get gas and all the gas stations we kept coming up to were on the left side and difficult to get to. We drove a little further and there was this station up on the right, making for an easy entrance. Due to the fact that they were so easy to get into, their gas was a little bit higher than all those we'd just passed. We pulled in and Dad saw that they were $1.79 a gallon and said, "No way am I going to pay that" and we drove right through the parking lot and went somewhere else a little further down the road.
Kind of struck me as funny and I thought I'd share!
Kind of struck me as funny and I thought I'd share!
Monday, July 7, 2008
It seems as if everyone's page is touching on the fact that we're really missing Papa this week. The 4th being his favorite holiday and tomorrow his birthday... I'm afraid mine is no different.
It was kind of weird honestly, although most family times are with him not there. I think we did great though under the circumstances. We enjoyed eachother, Dad BBQ'd chicken (which is always really yummy), Nick and I played catch ALL day... Low key and very nice. Nick stayed with me Thursday night, then again on Friday night and we went to bed before midnight both times, to which Nick dubbed us 'pathetic'. (We're usually up until after 2 in the morning!)
Saturday I went out to my Grandparent's place and spent some time there. I went and got Jake & Heather's new puppy, Kali, out of Cindy's basement (they're dog-sitting) and brought her out to Federal Way for the rest of the evening as projects weren't goign as quickly as we'd all thought.
Yesterday I went down to the South Center area and hit every little hole in the wall furniture store down in the industrial areas that I could find. There's a ton of little warehouses that are open to the public. I realized that the 2 that I'd already known about and frequent are still my favorites! Though it was fun, they're pretty much all the same :o) And now I'm glad I know that and when I get to add new pieces to the house, I can do so guilt free, knowing I've scouted all the competition!
It was kind of weird honestly, although most family times are with him not there. I think we did great though under the circumstances. We enjoyed eachother, Dad BBQ'd chicken (which is always really yummy), Nick and I played catch ALL day... Low key and very nice. Nick stayed with me Thursday night, then again on Friday night and we went to bed before midnight both times, to which Nick dubbed us 'pathetic'. (We're usually up until after 2 in the morning!)
Saturday I went out to my Grandparent's place and spent some time there. I went and got Jake & Heather's new puppy, Kali, out of Cindy's basement (they're dog-sitting) and brought her out to Federal Way for the rest of the evening as projects weren't goign as quickly as we'd all thought.
Yesterday I went down to the South Center area and hit every little hole in the wall furniture store down in the industrial areas that I could find. There's a ton of little warehouses that are open to the public. I realized that the 2 that I'd already known about and frequent are still my favorites! Though it was fun, they're pretty much all the same :o) And now I'm glad I know that and when I get to add new pieces to the house, I can do so guilt free, knowing I've scouted all the competition!
Nick Running after lighting a 'big one'
Ellie goes Ape over really stinky stuff, she loves rubbing all over it and snuggling to it... Here she is loosing her mind on Nick's feet! EWW!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The woman that really likes our condo, has now found one in Burien as well, is deciding between the 2 on which to make an offer... Burien? Ugh! I looked up every MLS I could find in our price range for Burien to see the competition - Yeah, it's got to be a work/location thing. Her agent has kept in contact with our agent pretty much on a daily basis... She's apparently a thinker, not a do-er... She's spent nearly 2 hours in our place already in the last week! It's us... really, I promise lady!
If our cute condo looses this one to Burien - it's little feelings will be hurt!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
As of Last Night...
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