Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Ben and I had our framewalk for the house this morning! It was just a bunch of information walking through every room with the Superintendent pointing out every wire, pipe, fan, connection, etc. and giving us the low down on why it's all there. I learned about truss expansion and slides attached to the framework (for earthquakes)... I hope Ben remembered it all! The exterior is pretty much done (minus the concrete work) and they'll start insulation today with the interior!

The condo had it's inspection yesterday, so we'll find out today if we still have our buyer. I don't know what they could possibly find 'wrong' with it. The sucker was gutted and completely new last June. It passed city codes for permits and loans... so we're praying!!

Here's the house progress as of this morning:

The shake on top is actually a dark brown (it's looking a little plumish from this picture) and the front door will be RED!

Living room

With my 'super powers' I can see Ben in the hall from inside the laundry room! :o)

From my bedroom looking into the master bath (right) and master closet (left)


~The White family~ said...

BEAUTIFUL! I love that you have super powers... I have them too :)...well, the girls think I spy vision ;)

Scott, Teresa and Gabby said...

Very Cool!! I can't beleive how quickly they are building it!

Chris Kaatz said...

Awesome! Great pictures. Can't wait until you're only 4 miles away from us!!

Gramma Carol said...

Love the exterior colors. You have a "good eye".