Friday, July 11, 2008


So this morning, as I was pathetically happy about pumping my $4.26/gallon gas, I remembered being little and driving with my Dad. I can't tell you where we were, other than on a very busy main road. I rememeber he needed to get gas and all the gas stations we kept coming up to were on the left side and difficult to get to. We drove a little further and there was this station up on the right, making for an easy entrance. Due to the fact that they were so easy to get into, their gas was a little bit higher than all those we'd just passed. We pulled in and Dad saw that they were $1.79 a gallon and said, "No way am I going to pay that" and we drove right through the parking lot and went somewhere else a little further down the road.

Kind of struck me as funny and I thought I'd share!


~The White family~ said...

OH MY, that is GREAT!!

Scott, Teresa and Gabby said...

It's amazing the things that we remember from when we are kids.

And isn't it sad that we get some what excited about when the gas prices go down a few cents a gallon even though it is outrageously expensive. :)

Anonymous said...

My dad would drive across town for a penny lower.. I remember the gas at 29 cents a gallon