Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I survived this morning's glucose test... That was awful though! I kept praying that the 'juice' wouldn't be that bad and that I could get it down... Getting it down wasn't the problem - it was keeping it down! Those that know me, know I'm not big into sweet stuff. A little now and then is fine, but really sweet things just don't go well with my stomach. I managed to get Aubrey on the phone and talk to her for half my drive, which kept my mind off of the yucky feeling in tummy. I got to the office, heard his heart rate (solid 140 beats/minute), got measured - still measuring 1 week ahead (have been for the last 2 months), weighed in at +4 from my last appointment - right on with the pound per week, had a quick laugh with my doctor, and then to blood draw. The lady does the drawing for the office is really, really fun. She's very sweet and has an amazing memory with faces. My stomach had finally calmed and I sat in the chair for the test. Right about the second vial of blood I got amazingly light headed, hot, and really nauseated! I didn't say anything but all of a sudden she's bent down in my face telling me to breathe (apparently I wasn't doing it well?) she got me juice and peanut butter crackers and then made me sit there gabbing with her for another 20 minutes. I've never gotten like that with a blood draw - and she remembered that too from the visit she took 6 tubes out of me with no trouble... It was a little embarassing but she grabbed a bottle of the glucose drink off the shelf and showed me all the side effects and assured me that much sugar in such a small time frame wreaks a bit of havoc on the body, especially if your body isn't typically subjected to a ton of sugar. She also said to expect a killer headache, but thankfully I've avoided that :) I do kind of feel like I've hit a wall though this afternoon. I don't typically run out of energy until the very end of the day, but I'm dragging a bit already. The doctor asked me to start counting kicks daily to make sure once he's active, I feel 10 movements within that hour period - yeah that won't be a problem!! Once he's moving I get 10 kicks in a matter or a few minutes... Well, that's all I've got. It's not incredibly interesting but it's my update :o)


Devin and Chelsey said...

Oh wow, that's lame. Stupid Glucose test, I guess I'm not looking forward to that. EKKK

Scott, Teresa and Gabby said...

I'm glad you survived it with out getting sick. And I love these little glimpses into your pregnancy so don't stop. :)

Chris Kaatz said...

I remember that glucose test. Yuck! But, its great that we have that technology available to us. I am so glad that all seems well with you and little Luke.