Friday, October 24, 2008

Someday, I will steal my friend away...

... And we will fly to the midwest, rent a car, and take this very road trip! Gramma sent me an email full of fun blogs she's been into lately and this was the latest post on one of them. I don't think we'll get to see Sarah Palin on our trip, but I suppose it's possible to hit a women's confrence... but what I really want is to go to these antique malls and see the beautiful architecture, and most of all: That Candle Co Outlet with all that fun Christmas stuff (which according to their web site is out all year long!!!)

Alright Aubrey, start packing, this is where we're going!

( I can't complain about not being able to hit antiqe shops like this lady though - Ben LOVES them and never gets tired of them! He actually takes longer than I do going through! He has to read everything and find out what every single little tool and gizmo was once used for!)

1 comment:

~The White family~ said...

Okay, when do we leave...before or after the baby arrives :) ????