Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I survived this morning's glucose test... That was awful though! I kept praying that the 'juice' wouldn't be that bad and that I could get it down... Getting it down wasn't the problem - it was keeping it down! Those that know me, know I'm not big into sweet stuff. A little now and then is fine, but really sweet things just don't go well with my stomach. I managed to get Aubrey on the phone and talk to her for half my drive, which kept my mind off of the yucky feeling in tummy. I got to the office, heard his heart rate (solid 140 beats/minute), got measured - still measuring 1 week ahead (have been for the last 2 months), weighed in at +4 from my last appointment - right on with the pound per week, had a quick laugh with my doctor, and then to blood draw. The lady does the drawing for the office is really, really fun. She's very sweet and has an amazing memory with faces. My stomach had finally calmed and I sat in the chair for the test. Right about the second vial of blood I got amazingly light headed, hot, and really nauseated! I didn't say anything but all of a sudden she's bent down in my face telling me to breathe (apparently I wasn't doing it well?) she got me juice and peanut butter crackers and then made me sit there gabbing with her for another 20 minutes. I've never gotten like that with a blood draw - and she remembered that too from the visit she took 6 tubes out of me with no trouble... It was a little embarassing but she grabbed a bottle of the glucose drink off the shelf and showed me all the side effects and assured me that much sugar in such a small time frame wreaks a bit of havoc on the body, especially if your body isn't typically subjected to a ton of sugar. She also said to expect a killer headache, but thankfully I've avoided that :) I do kind of feel like I've hit a wall though this afternoon. I don't typically run out of energy until the very end of the day, but I'm dragging a bit already. The doctor asked me to start counting kicks daily to make sure once he's active, I feel 10 movements within that hour period - yeah that won't be a problem!! Once he's moving I get 10 kicks in a matter or a few minutes... Well, that's all I've got. It's not incredibly interesting but it's my update :o)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
27 weeks
Saturday I entered my 27th week of pregnancy. I'm still feeling really good and have only minor complaints. Bending isn't so easy anymore, especially if I need to breathe while doing it... The only time it really bothers me is in bed when I'm trying to get up (to pee every 45 minutes) or get comfortable - it takes so much more energy to move when you're abdominals aren't able to flex the way you need them to. I haven't grown out as far as everyone around me seems to think I would have by now. To be honest, it's kind of nice. I was concerned about getting a little 'extra' during the pregnancy, but so far I'm a tad under the doctor's healthy weight chart - with no extra effort on my part :o) (i.e. don't rag on me for depriving my body, or dieting - I'm not!) I eat when I'm hungry and it doesn't seem to take much to fill my stomach (I think he's compressing that as well as my bladder). I'd be alright if he wanted to push out a little though, breathing might be a little easier.
I realized that I haven't blogged much about the pregnancy itself, so just giving a little update. From the post at 13 or so weeks where I talked about what a pain the baby was during the ultrasound: moving all around, hiding under my pelvic bone, etc. He hasn't slowed down much at all! He moves during the day, roughly every 45 minutes to an hour and is active for 5-10 minutes. At night he tends to be a little more active, for longer periods of time and shorter intervals in between... He seems to have more strength then too, the kicks to the ribs actually sting for a second.
It's getting a little strange to think that he'll be here in just 3 months! Exciting, yet dreading busy season at work while in my third trimester! I'm praying to have the energy and the ability to get as much of the overtime as I can get. For one, it's my job; and two, it's extra time that I'll be able to take off after he gets here! I have my glucose test tomorrow morning, I've had the red 'juice' sitting in my fridge since my last appointment and from what I hear it's really yucky :o(
I'll let ya'll know if I get anything interesting tomorrow, in the meantime here was our update from babycenter on Saturday (every Saturday morning we get our weekly update on the progress of the baby and read it before Ben goes to work)
Oh, and his hiccups, tend to last way longer than a few moments - yesterday sitting at my desk we had a 5 minute episode! Every 20 seconds or so I got a little 'jump'
"This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds and is about 15 inches long with his legs extended. He's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother him, so just relax and enjoy the tickle."
I realized that I haven't blogged much about the pregnancy itself, so just giving a little update. From the post at 13 or so weeks where I talked about what a pain the baby was during the ultrasound: moving all around, hiding under my pelvic bone, etc. He hasn't slowed down much at all! He moves during the day, roughly every 45 minutes to an hour and is active for 5-10 minutes. At night he tends to be a little more active, for longer periods of time and shorter intervals in between... He seems to have more strength then too, the kicks to the ribs actually sting for a second.
It's getting a little strange to think that he'll be here in just 3 months! Exciting, yet dreading busy season at work while in my third trimester! I'm praying to have the energy and the ability to get as much of the overtime as I can get. For one, it's my job; and two, it's extra time that I'll be able to take off after he gets here! I have my glucose test tomorrow morning, I've had the red 'juice' sitting in my fridge since my last appointment and from what I hear it's really yucky :o(
I'll let ya'll know if I get anything interesting tomorrow, in the meantime here was our update from babycenter on Saturday (every Saturday morning we get our weekly update on the progress of the baby and read it before Ben goes to work)
Oh, and his hiccups, tend to last way longer than a few moments - yesterday sitting at my desk we had a 5 minute episode! Every 20 seconds or so I got a little 'jump'
"This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds and is about 15 inches long with his legs extended. He's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother him, so just relax and enjoy the tickle."
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
We're still here...
The snow hasn't buried us completely. Just made it incredibly difficult to get anything done! Made it to work all but last Thursday when Bellevue was shut down. Ben's days off are Sunday-Tuesday, so we've just been hanging out. He's had a few projects, I made cookies out of my great grandma's old cookbook (they didn't turn out like I'd hoped - I know it's not the recipe she used), we ventured out yesterday to get our Santa picture and finish up some Christmas shopping. It's been nice just having full days together! We even decided that because Ben's working Christmas Eve and Day that we'd have our Christmas early. So last night, we opened our gifts. I was instructed to not get upset - that after a few months, he wouldn't be able to do fun stuff like this again... This is what my sweet guy got me:

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Rapid Deterioration
Yesterday sucked! A few irritations at work, a couple personal things, followed by 2 really big blows sent me into my first little meltdown during this pregnancy. I think I've been incredibly even, hormonally speaking, during this pregnancy and I asked Ben about it last night and he agreed. I haven't picked fights, I haven't been too emotional - if anything I think I'm a little calmer when things come up... Anyway that has not been the case over the last 24 hours!
I'll skip over the crap and get right to the BIG stuff.
I signed up for supplemental short term disability coverage in late 2006, with the idea of using it for a maternity leave eventually. I had my meeting with the agent and we went over the plan I was purchasing and I was told, and specifically verified the amount of time of coverage after labor - I know I was specific, because this is the only reason I wanted it and I knew my leave would be unpaid from work. Yesterday I met with the new rep handling our coverage, as our rep has suddenly disappeared. I do not have the amount of time that I thought... Matter of fact I have much less then I imagined. The insurance doesn't completely cover my normal salary, so I've been saving to make sure that I had enough to supplement that income. Not even that account in it's entirety can cover the time I was planning to take (and I've been so proud at my savings going beyond what I would need for that- this way it could cover the 'unknown' expenses to arise)
My meeting with the new rep was not really helpful, she understood what he did, but couldn't do anything about it... She was actually his regional manager and now he's no longer with the company - she implied that situations such as this were the cause, but couldn't outright say it. So now instead of comfortably taking 12-16 weeks off after Luke comes, I am covered for only 6 (less the first 7 days for their processing time - so really only paid for 5). If I have to go on bed rest or become unable to use the bathroom, feed or dress myself during the pregnancy or delivery - I'm covered up to 6 months. (Good for the worst case scenario, but statistically, and hopefully not the case here) In addition to feeling totally screwed over, the realization of how little he will still be when that sends me back to work is really, really disheartening. I spent most of the drive home trying not to cry, which didn't work. And then I talked to Ben - just his voice asking if I was okay was enough to throw me over the edge. He assured me we'd figure it out, and that everything would be fine. He said because of it being spring/summer there's plenty of overtime to be had - but the last thing I want is him gone every single day of the week. On top of that, the unknown leave time is hard to coordinate now at work, they kind of want specifics but are understanding in that this is all new info and I have no idea yet what we'll really be able to afford...
Leading into issue #2, the new King County contract has eliminated our current insurance. Ben got an email yesterday that I'm not totally sure he wouldn't have ignored for a bit had I not been snuggled up next to him watching his laptop. It gave no plan specifics and said basically we'd know more come January - NOT HELPFUL to a girl who's got OB appointments every 2 weeks starting in January. So then I got all panicked because our out of pocket is more than it used to be, delivery in the new plan isn't covered like our old plan, and I had no idea if I could keep my doctor. We managed to lose quite a bit of money yesterday without much notice or recourse, which didn't help my emotional state much.
Ben calmed me down, we made dinner and I even managed to sleep a little last night. This morning's long drive to work gave me ample time to get emotional again, but made it in without major mascara issues. I didn't get anywhere with the woman at King County benefits, she clearly didn't like her job! Thankfully, I managed to scrounge up a number for the new insurance company and they even had our info in the system already to make sure that on January 1 we'd be covered, he sounded like an older guy and was very helpful. Good news is, I don't have to find a new doctor that can manage to fit me in on short notice (every 2 weeks) and then for a March delivery! AND she's 'in-network' which gives us the highest coverage! Giant weight lifted!!
Now, I just have to keep praying that God will take care of the leave; either making it work for a little bit longer (preferred), or helping me through going back so soon.
I'll skip over the crap and get right to the BIG stuff.
I signed up for supplemental short term disability coverage in late 2006, with the idea of using it for a maternity leave eventually. I had my meeting with the agent and we went over the plan I was purchasing and I was told, and specifically verified the amount of time of coverage after labor - I know I was specific, because this is the only reason I wanted it and I knew my leave would be unpaid from work. Yesterday I met with the new rep handling our coverage, as our rep has suddenly disappeared. I do not have the amount of time that I thought... Matter of fact I have much less then I imagined. The insurance doesn't completely cover my normal salary, so I've been saving to make sure that I had enough to supplement that income. Not even that account in it's entirety can cover the time I was planning to take (and I've been so proud at my savings going beyond what I would need for that- this way it could cover the 'unknown' expenses to arise)
My meeting with the new rep was not really helpful, she understood what he did, but couldn't do anything about it... She was actually his regional manager and now he's no longer with the company - she implied that situations such as this were the cause, but couldn't outright say it. So now instead of comfortably taking 12-16 weeks off after Luke comes, I am covered for only 6 (less the first 7 days for their processing time - so really only paid for 5). If I have to go on bed rest or become unable to use the bathroom, feed or dress myself during the pregnancy or delivery - I'm covered up to 6 months. (Good for the worst case scenario, but statistically, and hopefully not the case here) In addition to feeling totally screwed over, the realization of how little he will still be when that sends me back to work is really, really disheartening. I spent most of the drive home trying not to cry, which didn't work. And then I talked to Ben - just his voice asking if I was okay was enough to throw me over the edge. He assured me we'd figure it out, and that everything would be fine. He said because of it being spring/summer there's plenty of overtime to be had - but the last thing I want is him gone every single day of the week. On top of that, the unknown leave time is hard to coordinate now at work, they kind of want specifics but are understanding in that this is all new info and I have no idea yet what we'll really be able to afford...
Leading into issue #2, the new King County contract has eliminated our current insurance. Ben got an email yesterday that I'm not totally sure he wouldn't have ignored for a bit had I not been snuggled up next to him watching his laptop. It gave no plan specifics and said basically we'd know more come January - NOT HELPFUL to a girl who's got OB appointments every 2 weeks starting in January. So then I got all panicked because our out of pocket is more than it used to be, delivery in the new plan isn't covered like our old plan, and I had no idea if I could keep my doctor. We managed to lose quite a bit of money yesterday without much notice or recourse, which didn't help my emotional state much.
Ben calmed me down, we made dinner and I even managed to sleep a little last night. This morning's long drive to work gave me ample time to get emotional again, but made it in without major mascara issues. I didn't get anywhere with the woman at King County benefits, she clearly didn't like her job! Thankfully, I managed to scrounge up a number for the new insurance company and they even had our info in the system already to make sure that on January 1 we'd be covered, he sounded like an older guy and was very helpful. Good news is, I don't have to find a new doctor that can manage to fit me in on short notice (every 2 weeks) and then for a March delivery! AND she's 'in-network' which gives us the highest coverage! Giant weight lifted!!
Now, I just have to keep praying that God will take care of the leave; either making it work for a little bit longer (preferred), or helping me through going back so soon.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Name update
I wasn't sure if I should post it, just in case we changed our minds... And then I realized that I can still do both! :o) Our little guy will be:
Lucas 'Luke' Benjamin
I'm not a huge fan of Lucas, I really just wanted it to be Luke, but Ben insists on naming him Lucas and calling him Luke. Ben tried really hard to battle against using his name anywhere in the baby's - but as a compromise for Lucas, and becuase I made a decent argument - he conceeded. Truth be told, I've been calling him Luke since before I knew (for sure) it was a boy :o)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
random rant
Okay so no one carries plain little hats anymore!?! I've been looking for just a set of little baby caps in solid blues to match some outfits that don't come with them and I can't find any! They have little packs but they've got random designs or goofy little sayings like "bald hair day"... And that's just so not me. I'm a total hat freak on baby's when they're tiny (and born in winter)... First off because it's cold and they're used to the internal temperature of human womb, and second because I think they're so cute!
I swear they used to have plain sets in boy/girl/neutral colors in the past 9 years I've been shopping for friends/family babies... Apparently it's not 'in' anymore! :(
I swear they used to have plain sets in boy/girl/neutral colors in the past 9 years I've been shopping for friends/family babies... Apparently it's not 'in' anymore! :(
Thursday, December 4, 2008
To Ben:
Your smile gives me strength
Your grumpiness challenges me to be more positive
Your laugh fills me with joy
Your strength & determination inspire me
Your silly humor makes me laugh even when I'm angry
Your arms are the safest place I know
Your love makes me grateful for everyday
I am so proud to be your wife! Thank you for being the amazing man that you are, and thank you for making me stronger, safer, more secure; filling me with more love, hope and happiness than I'd ever known before or even knew was possible. I love our life together!
Happy Anniversary!
I love you!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thanksgiving Weekend
Well that blew by! Thanksgiving was busy, as usual - filled with lots of family and yummy food... and usually a little bloating :o)
Aubrey was in town and we did our midnight madness shopping out at the outlet, I did better than I thought staying up that late. It was great to get out and spend some time with her! Shopping was actually pleasurable! People were in their jammies, laid back, still semi-comatose from turkey... just the way you need to be when spending $$! I got into the stores though and completely froze, didn't know what to buy! That faded eventually and I got a couple jammies, some burp cloths, a couple little outfits... all at 80% off, so I did really well! Breakfast with Brandon, Aubrey, the twins and Brady Saturday morning, followed by some afternoon shopping with mom. Sunday was the start of me not feeling so hot, Ben had the beginnings of a cold for a couple days, but up until Sunday was feeling pretty normal. I made some soup and we laid low all day.
I actually stayed home Monday thinking if I just rested enough it might not hit me. Rest, we did. We both slept most of the day, awake for maybe a few hours in the afternoon and then back to bed. It worked for Ben, but after work last night I was toast, and rapidly felt worse throughout the night. I made it to work today but couldn't make it past 3. Now I'm siting in my sweats with a yucky cup of hot Thera-flu (my doctor assured me it was safe) but yuck!
I actually have ZERO pictures from this weekend, I decided to leave the camera at home and enjoy the festivities instead of trying to capture everyone else's enjoyment - and bug them to death with pictures :o)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Not quite sure how Carters got my email address, but I'm glad they did!
*It looks like they need to be printed directly from an email - these might be too small to be valid if printed off here... if anyone's interested and doesn't want to put their email in my comments (if I don't already have it) email me at This is my coupon/fun junk email address so that Ben doesn't get mad having to filter through the floods of crap-mail on the home computer - I'll check it regularly for the next couple days for this!

I love Carters clothes! The onsies especially! They're not super wide and really short like some others you find - and at the actual Carters store, they're always on sale! Apparently the store opens at midnight Thursday and you can save 10% off the already 50% (entire store) markdown if you shop between midnight and noon! I haven't been able to find if the Supermall store qualifies for the midnight opening or if it's just the outlet in North Bend - I'm not much for the 5 am shopping spree after Turkey day, especially at a mall, some chicks drink a little too much Joe and are kind of scary. I'm all for saving a few bucks, but not at the risk of having to literally box for it! Midnight shopping might be fun however :o) Thought I'd share these in case anyone else has little ones that need adorable Carters clothes! And Mommy's that might want to save 50% + 10% if you get up early enough... OR 50% and the additional 20-25% for spending $50-100. Seriously, it's like robbing the store! (Osh Gosh is owned by the same people and are having an equally kick butt sale, if anyone wants those too, let me know!)
*It looks like they need to be printed directly from an email - these might be too small to be valid if printed off here... if anyone's interested and doesn't want to put their email in my comments (if I don't already have it) email me at This is my coupon/fun junk email address so that Ben doesn't get mad having to filter through the floods of crap-mail on the home computer - I'll check it regularly for the next couple days for this!
**If you're a 'secret reader', please don't be shy - I blog hop too, and always feel a little stalker-ish :o) Everyone can use a good deal right now - I'd love to forward these on!

Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday: Lazy morning with Ben until he left for work, Costco with Pink Gramma, goofing around a little with my little brother, calling Ben only to get the,"Call you back, I'm at the South Center shooting." (line disconnects) - Always fun for a wife... Then waiting 3 1/2 hours to hear from him, watching Get Smart with Nick and Gramma (to keep me awake until Ben got off), beating Ben home by a few minutes with a yummy Costco Pumpkin Pie to eat while he tells me his stories about very eventful day! Ben finally got to feel the little boy move! Maybe I'm a nerd - he thinks so, but I wanted to make sure that Ben felt him first before I let others feel him move, so that was nice for the baby to finally be active when Ben was home!
Sunday: Both of us were really tired after staying up so late, Ben was pretty sore after running around in his gear all Saturday afternoon (how quick his body forgot about Iraq) so he suckered me into rubbing his back for a while before bed early Sunday morning. Needless to say when the alarm went off for church, I was not ready to move! I looked over at Ben and he tightened his eyes and made a pouty face... so we were naughty and slept in. We finally rolled our bums out of bed to go meet some old neighbors for the Seahawks game. I realized that my body IS actually different now that I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant, on our hike to the stadium from the parking spot we found. We planned to eat before the game somewhere but ran out of time, so there I was walking away and started feeling light headed, then dizzy, the air was really cold so I was feeling like I couldn't get enough oxygen anyway... Yeah, Ben stopped and grabbed me a water right about the point I thought I was going to pass out. I had such a head rush that noises were muffled, and things were getting blurry. So the notion that I wouldn't drink a ton of water before the trip into Seattle to avoid having to pee all the way there turned out to not be such a great idea! Anyway, we finally got up to our nosebleed seats (another fun task, huffing and puffing all the way, with frequent breaks) Ben grabbed me some food and another water and we got to watch the Seahawks blow another game with all the disgruntled drunk fans around us. We decided that NFL games in person aren't our thing, especially up in the cheap seats. There ware too many fights and stairs covered in vomit to enjoy it for me. I love football - but I think I love it more from home! Walking back to the car turned out to be not a problem for me, it had to be the no food/water thing!
After finally getting home we took out our lists and the suggestions from the blog and narrowed down our names for the little boy!! We got a top 5, and then each numbered them in order. Our top 3's were in slightly different order, but the same so we dropped the bottom 2.
We're both kind of excited having 3 names left on the (only) list, our little guy's getting closer to having a name! I like names you can't shorten whereas Ben wants to lengthen them to give him an option later to use it if he wants, so we have 2 that would be lengthened officially but we won't call him that - unless he's in trouble. With our last name starting with 'J', we always get the one's who like to call us by initials, and than was a big thing for Ben to avoid with the baby too - he hated it. I think our 3 will avoid that situation too. :)
Sunday: Both of us were really tired after staying up so late, Ben was pretty sore after running around in his gear all Saturday afternoon (how quick his body forgot about Iraq) so he suckered me into rubbing his back for a while before bed early Sunday morning. Needless to say when the alarm went off for church, I was not ready to move! I looked over at Ben and he tightened his eyes and made a pouty face... so we were naughty and slept in. We finally rolled our bums out of bed to go meet some old neighbors for the Seahawks game. I realized that my body IS actually different now that I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant, on our hike to the stadium from the parking spot we found. We planned to eat before the game somewhere but ran out of time, so there I was walking away and started feeling light headed, then dizzy, the air was really cold so I was feeling like I couldn't get enough oxygen anyway... Yeah, Ben stopped and grabbed me a water right about the point I thought I was going to pass out. I had such a head rush that noises were muffled, and things were getting blurry. So the notion that I wouldn't drink a ton of water before the trip into Seattle to avoid having to pee all the way there turned out to not be such a great idea! Anyway, we finally got up to our nosebleed seats (another fun task, huffing and puffing all the way, with frequent breaks) Ben grabbed me some food and another water and we got to watch the Seahawks blow another game with all the disgruntled drunk fans around us. We decided that NFL games in person aren't our thing, especially up in the cheap seats. There ware too many fights and stairs covered in vomit to enjoy it for me. I love football - but I think I love it more from home! Walking back to the car turned out to be not a problem for me, it had to be the no food/water thing!
After finally getting home we took out our lists and the suggestions from the blog and narrowed down our names for the little boy!! We got a top 5, and then each numbered them in order. Our top 3's were in slightly different order, but the same so we dropped the bottom 2.
We're both kind of excited having 3 names left on the (only) list, our little guy's getting closer to having a name! I like names you can't shorten whereas Ben wants to lengthen them to give him an option later to use it if he wants, so we have 2 that would be lengthened officially but we won't call him that - unless he's in trouble. With our last name starting with 'J', we always get the one's who like to call us by initials, and than was a big thing for Ben to avoid with the baby too - he hated it. I think our 3 will avoid that situation too. :)
So the final names are:
*Luke (Lucas)
*Finn (Finnigan)
(We're still unsure about middle names as, with these names, the same one wouldn't work for each of them)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Can't beleive I'm doing this...
... I've got a short list of names I like, and Ben has his list that he likes... So now when we open the baby book of names - we just fix on those few and all others get passed over. We're trying to stay away from the really, really common and really traditional - the kid's going to have the most generic last name, we've got to give him something to work with :o)
So, please use my comments section to give your boy name ideas... It would be nice to get a few more that we can add to our 'both like' list!
So, please use my comments section to give your boy name ideas... It would be nice to get a few more that we can add to our 'both like' list!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
as promised
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
We finally got it
Yesterday I left work early to take my car in, 3 hours of stop and go commuting a day tends to wear on the breaks. Apparently I need them done every 6 months - last time they worked on the brakes I know they stiffed me a little, I was by myself and didn't understand completely and I think they took advantage of that. This time, thankfully Ben was off and he went in with me. When they called to give the diagnosis I just passed the phone off and I heard him go back and forth a bit and come off with semi good news. We had to get all new stuff, BUT this time they were going to do it right, on both sides, and warranty it... Seriously? This needs to be negotiated? I made the mistake of assuming when they say everything they do is warrantied, that I didn't need to question it - Ben pointed this out to the guy on the phone that he was completely unimpressed that it wasn't done right the last time and we got a serious deal! (Still expensive - but not what it could've been)
While the car was getting fixed Ben and I took Dad's truck down to pick up the baby furniture, grab a late lunch and create a baby registry at good 'ole Babies R US ... There was a woman in there at the registry desk ahead of us, maybe in her mid 30's, looking at the suggested items for new parents list and she looked over and said, "I can't believe someone would get a monitor... I'm never going to leave my baby!" And she was disgusted that someone would register for one!! Ben just looked at her like she was nuts (I think she might have been though, which is the really sad part!) and did the panic, "Oh no don't leave the room!!" ... She continued on with all the safety cabinet locks and protective covers for sockets. She was making a fuss about all these things on the list and then totally confused over what a bouncer was and why you'd need a stroller, "Don't I just carry it?" (the baby) Needless to say I said a little prayer for that baby and we took our scanner and started on the other side of the store! Ben's certain he's going to meet her child in roughly 15 years at work... Assuming it's not smothered in its sleep by the mom that won't go out of ear shot :(
Dad was thankfully around to help unload the furniture at home and though Ben was going to wait to assemble everything until this morning, he changed his mind at 9 last night so we played in the baby's room instead. The dresser was already assembled and the crib was a piece of cake once we got the cats out of the way, they're nosey little punks, but I'd actually like them to hang out in the baby's room with the furniture and get used to it before he comes. That way it's old news and hopefully they won't give a rip about it later. This is what I'm praying anyway, if not my adorable little nursery is going to have to have the door shut all the time to keep the beasts out. I didn't have time to post the couple pictures I took of the process, but I'll get them up later. (except the one of Ben flexing his muscles for the camera - he was very clear that it wouldn't make the blog - but he didn't say I couldn't tell you all about it) :o) It was pretty funny!
Monday night Chelsey and Devin came over for dinner and 'catch up'. The boys were out in the garage looking at Ben's 'toys' in the safe, and Chelsey and I were trying to decide how long it had been since we've actually spoken more than just the 'how are you's?'... Yeah um, like 10 years! We were friends in Jr. high but didn't really have enough in common to keep us close beyond Lakota's walls. We got to talking and have more in common than I think we ever thought, and the boys hit it off well - it turned into a pretty fun little evening.
While the car was getting fixed Ben and I took Dad's truck down to pick up the baby furniture, grab a late lunch and create a baby registry at good 'ole Babies R US ... There was a woman in there at the registry desk ahead of us, maybe in her mid 30's, looking at the suggested items for new parents list and she looked over and said, "I can't believe someone would get a monitor... I'm never going to leave my baby!" And she was disgusted that someone would register for one!! Ben just looked at her like she was nuts (I think she might have been though, which is the really sad part!) and did the panic, "Oh no don't leave the room!!" ... She continued on with all the safety cabinet locks and protective covers for sockets. She was making a fuss about all these things on the list and then totally confused over what a bouncer was and why you'd need a stroller, "Don't I just carry it?" (the baby) Needless to say I said a little prayer for that baby and we took our scanner and started on the other side of the store! Ben's certain he's going to meet her child in roughly 15 years at work... Assuming it's not smothered in its sleep by the mom that won't go out of ear shot :(
Dad was thankfully around to help unload the furniture at home and though Ben was going to wait to assemble everything until this morning, he changed his mind at 9 last night so we played in the baby's room instead. The dresser was already assembled and the crib was a piece of cake once we got the cats out of the way, they're nosey little punks, but I'd actually like them to hang out in the baby's room with the furniture and get used to it before he comes. That way it's old news and hopefully they won't give a rip about it later. This is what I'm praying anyway, if not my adorable little nursery is going to have to have the door shut all the time to keep the beasts out. I didn't have time to post the couple pictures I took of the process, but I'll get them up later. (except the one of Ben flexing his muscles for the camera - he was very clear that it wouldn't make the blog - but he didn't say I couldn't tell you all about it) :o) It was pretty funny!
Monday night Chelsey and Devin came over for dinner and 'catch up'. The boys were out in the garage looking at Ben's 'toys' in the safe, and Chelsey and I were trying to decide how long it had been since we've actually spoken more than just the 'how are you's?'... Yeah um, like 10 years! We were friends in Jr. high but didn't really have enough in common to keep us close beyond Lakota's walls. We got to talking and have more in common than I think we ever thought, and the boys hit it off well - it turned into a pretty fun little evening.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Free Photobook!
Snapfish is giving away a free photbook this weekend with new accounts!
Create an account before 9pm PST tonight
Upload pictures and create your book before Sunday (9pm PST)
Just pay for shipping!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The boy's room
I've already posted what the furniture looks like, here's a glimpse of the bedding we found and love! I loved the stuff at the new Restoration Hardware Baby & Child store but some of it's not exactly Target priced, so I wasn't really planning on being able to make that work. However, A coworker of mine snuck up on me when I was being naughty and looking at baby stuff at work and then surprised me with a gift certificate to RH as an early baby gift. That, combined with RH's discount for having a registry, AND the friends and family sale they're having this weekend for 20% off - I'm going to get this set for less than most of the sets at Babies R' Us!!! I'm so excited!

*The Friends and Family20% off coupon is good at the regular RH as well, so if anyone is interested, the code to use online or via phone order is FFBC801 (13th-16th)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Babe!
It's the United States Marine Corps' 233rd Birthday!

Don't forget to wish your Marine a happy birthday today!
(And tomorrow's Veteran's Day too!)

Don't forget to wish your Marine a happy birthday today!
(And tomorrow's Veteran's Day too!)
More Blayne

However, Jake finally gave us another little cookie, and I thought I'd share him.
*Oh and just in case you've forgotten how cute Blayne's big brother and sister are, here's a new one I've got of them!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Here Aubrey!
19.5 weeks
*I got a sweet message from a friend wishing us luck tomorrow when we find out what the baby is and I realized that I did say we were finding out on the 5th... We actually had to change that because they realized I wouldn't be 20 weeks (exactly) by then and apparently I NEED to be... So the ultrasound is for a week from today, Tuesday the 11th. Thank you though, Mary! You'll have to check back again :o)
My Sweet Guy!

Sorry, I gotta gush for a moment... Sunday 'we' (i.e. Ben) helped my Mom move into her new place... ALL DAY LONG! There wasn't really any help so it took a long time. After we got home we both slumped on the couch watching reruns of NCIS and House. We finally decided to hit the sack and when we stood up I got big hug and 'I love you', before I could tell him back, he put his hand on my stomach and said, "And I love you too"... YEAH, that's right. You.Just.Read.That!
I don't mean it to sound like he's been against this baby, because that's totally not it! I just wasn't expecting any of that sweet, mushy, connection type stuff from him until closer to or after 'it' was born. It was pretty cute! I love him!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Blayne Michael Ryan
He's finally here! He came VERY early this morning at 6 pounds 11 ounces, I had to steal these pictures off of the myspace page of Jake's brother Nick (who's actually in New Zealand and got these via email from his parents) - because my Aunt and Uncle are in Cabo this week. I'll update the post when I know more (and add better pictures when I get them!) ...Gotta love the Internet!

Congrats Jake, Tiff, Makenna and Brendan!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I was tagged by Aubrey to post my 4th picture in my 4th folder. I finally got myself situated enough to get onto my backup drive that houses my pictures and play the game. All of my folders are by year/season... This 4/4 happens to land in the Christmas 2005 folder and as badly as I wanted to pick picture 3, or 5, or any other number, I'm going to play by the rules. I'm so glad Tiff doesn't read this - she'd kill me!

Here it is, picture 4... Makenna and Brendan got these yucky teeth, I couldn't get them all the way in my mouth - they were huge! Tiffany has the bigger mouth :o) hehehe! That or I was laughing too hard.
Alright, I'm tagging Chris, Gramma, Aunt Teresa & Laurece! Post your 4th photo from your 4th folder! :o)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Moving in the baby...
I took Monday and Tuesday off this past week to hang out with my husband and kind of regenerate after the busy tax deadline. Ben's new shift means that I come home Wednesday - Friday to an empty house and spend Saturday's by my lonesome - however Sunday - Tuesday he's home ALL day! He's really enjoying it though, it's taking a bit to get him adjusted to a sleep schedule after working nights for so long, but he's getting a lot of action at work. (He's got some yucky area's now that I do better just trying not to think about!)

Anyway, we're excited for night sleeping Saturday and Sunday's off to start going back to church regularly! Woo-Hoo!
Back to the point - baby stuff! Monday Ben and I wandered down to the higher end baby furniture store that's usually very high priced and kind of just for fun, and ended up finding a huge sale! They've just been bought out and are getting rid of their high end manufacturers product, for higher end European products that are just too ridiculous to even think about paying for. Seriously, the store is about to belong in Manhattan or on Melrose... instead of Andover Pkwy in Tukwila where it currently sits. We found a very sturdy, solid wood, well made crib and dresser for what we would have paid for a crappy knock off from Babies R' Us. We bought it! I'm so the type that needs the instant gratification of a purchase - sitting around thinking about the money I spent on something when it's going to take 8 weeks to get here, just isn't my cup of tea! Large or small purchases, it just doesn't matter... If the cash isn't mine anymore, I want something to show for it! I googled the style and found a picture of the set and I thought I'd share. Ben was a total trooper and didn't even seem to be having a problem with the shopping trip. I was amazed - he hates furniture shopping... let alone for a little person that isn't even going to be here for 4.5 months!

We got this set, minus the hutch part of the dresser. This is shown in the Cherry stain, our set is in the Dark Espresso color, I just couldn't find a picture online.
I felt the baby move last Wednesday (the 15th) for the first time. It wasn't the 'butterfly flutter' feeling that everyone said I'd get... This was a very distinct 'thump'. It felt like someone walked up and flicked my tummy (but from the inside!) It's totally weird, but still very cool. Over the last 2 days I've felt it ALL day long. It's really like that last ultrasound, wild! It's still not a flutter but more of a 'tugging', like it's grabbing onto random inside parts and just pulling on it, it's not 'annoying' yet, but as soon as it gets bigger - we might have to have a chat about calming down a little - I'm totally going to lose, but it's nice thinking that I might have a little power over something my body's doing. This sitting along for the ride stuff's not my style :o)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Chris brought home a new little kitty today... They ended up naming her Annie!

Their (much) older kitty Lucy, isn't quite thrilled about it yet and Gus the dog doesn't really care so much - but little bitty Annie freaked out with Gus in the room. I think he was a bit too big and a bit too foreign!
I went over after work, Jill and the girls were there as well for a slumber party... Here's some little Annie pictures:
Annie's encounter with Gus went a little like this:
I loved this last one, I'm so glad it turned out - she was so scared though!!
Someday, I will steal my friend away...
... And we will fly to the midwest, rent a car, and take this very road trip! Gramma sent me an email full of fun blogs she's been into lately and this was the latest post on one of them. I don't think we'll get to see Sarah Palin on our trip, but I suppose it's possible to hit a women's confrence... but what I really want is to go to these antique malls and see the beautiful architecture, and most of all: That Candle Co Outlet with all that fun Christmas stuff (which according to their web site is out all year long!!!)
Alright Aubrey, start packing, this is where we're going!
( I can't complain about not being able to hit antiqe shops like this lady though - Ben LOVES them and never gets tired of them! He actually takes longer than I do going through! He has to read everything and find out what every single little tool and gizmo was once used for!)
Alright Aubrey, start packing, this is where we're going!
( I can't complain about not being able to hit antiqe shops like this lady though - Ben LOVES them and never gets tired of them! He actually takes longer than I do going through! He has to read everything and find out what every single little tool and gizmo was once used for!)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Alright, alright!
Here's a belly pic. I took it early last week but then after procrastinating on posting, I was going to wait another week because, no joke - I swear it's bigger than this picture already... According to my baby center updates, by next week the baby will have doubled in size from last week... So that's when I 'll take another picture. Maybe I'll see if Ben will take it so I'm not all twisted like in this one :)

I married a big nerd! He's really good to me... and he's cute, so I shouldn't complain too much! By the way, he's sitting at the edge, this picture doesn't do the thing justice! It's huge! Today I hit the terrible selection of maternity clothes at Target and left the store with Halloween candy and Q-tips... I was bummed! Ben took me to the Pumpkin patch to cheer me up, which can I say is so much cooler on Tuesday than a weekend! We finally used a gift card for dinner that's been sitting in my purse for almost a year - we had a 4 course meal that filled us to the brim.
In other news, Tiffany is home - she found out that the 'let's just try this one other thing, that isn't the stuff that's been making you sick' was actually an experimental drug, not just to see if it worked on her, but literally an experimental stage drug - she was so mad that she checked herself out of the hospital and has been at home for the past 2 nights. Tired of being poked and sick... and SO not in the mood to be the guinea pig! She's still having contractions but they're erratic and non productive (maybe the experimental stuff wasn't so bad!)
Ben, Jared and Rich brought Ben's gun safe to the house finally on Sunday, the monster one, this is how I found Ben after everyone left... He's got a new 'camp' (I'd say fort, but Soldiers have forts, Marines have camps)
More Kaelyn
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Tiffany update
Well, Blayne is still 'cooking' for the moment. Tiffany didn't tolerate the last round of drugs to keep him in well and was very sick last night! Like officially listed between serious and critical condition for a while sick, but was able to get the second round of steroids in - so in the long run it's going to be worth it! Aunt Cindy's on her way down to Dallas now, they're not stopping the progress anymore so it's just a matter of time until he's here. Yesterday the neonatalogist was very pleased with how Blayne was progressing and said the latest tests put him around 5 lbs, not the initial 2-3 lbs like they first thought. PTL!
As far as I know Makenna wasn't hassled yesterday again by those mean little boys, that or Brendan the little bruiser knocked 'em around a little and handled it :o)
I think Aunt Cindy's probably going to the hospital first to be with Tiff so I don't know if that means the kids will have a little Daddy time, which I hear they're needing pretty badly - but I'm certain as soon as Nana leaves Tiff and heads to be with them, it'll be 'Mommy and Daddy who?'
Oh, and to reply to Aunt Debbie's comment on the last post about Tiff's baby machine being broken. They'd planned to voluntarily disconnect the wires to that machine. Her body does not appear to like the Y chromosome. Makenna's pregnancy went flawlessly, however she started rejecting and kicking both boys out around 5 months... this one a little worse than Brendan. If she were to have another little boy we don't know that either one would make it out unscathed!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
In other baby news, I just got a phone call and my cousin Tiffany went into the hospital today and is in labor. They've been giving her medication to stop labor for almost 2 months now and her body isn't accepting it any longer, they've decided she's far enough that she can have him if he's coming. He's decided he wants to come right now, but now there's word that they think he's much smaller than they previously suspected he'd be. The doctors are making Tiffany very ill with all the junk they're pumping into her to keep Blayne in until they can give her the last round of the steroids to help him develop. As long as Blayne will tolerate the drugs, Tiff's just got to suffer through. Please pray for Tiffany, Jake, and baby Blayne... That they all make it another 12 or so hours to get that last round. (Makenna and Brendan aren't taking it well either, Makenna got bullied today at school and the kids said awful things about something happening to the baby - then with Tiff going into the hospital in labor, Makenna's kind of a wreck - poor coincidence!)
7lbs 11oz, 20 inches
10/16/08 2:00 am
Kaelyn and her very sleepy Daddy
The family's doing really well! Emily's water broke just before 10 last night and 4 hours later they were holding their girl! They haven't slept more than an hour between nurses and family coming in, I think going home will be a relief tomorrow!
Congratulations Emily and Jared!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
sick of tax returns
I have been in this office, working on tax returns for 9 days straight! At least in April I get Sunday's off, not this busy season... We are slammed! It's rediculous! And totally depressing too - the last return I processed, the guy's W-2 read $15.8 million! Just his W-2!!!
Ben was off yesterday, and I was stuck here at work for most of the evening, I got home last night just before 8 and he was reading my fit pregnancy magazine (thanks Aunt Debbie)... It was pretty cute, "Did you know it takes about 4 months for a baby to learn to roll over!?!" :o)
Right when I get to start getting home at decent hours again, he's starting his new shift. 1pm-11pm... I'll really miss not having him around for dinner time, but it'll be nice when at least I'll get to snuggle up to him when he gets home. The set days off will be nice too, no more guessing when his days off fall when trying to make plans :o)
Though, if anyone wants both of us for anything on the weekend, it's gotta be Sunday, he's working Saturday's :o(
(I'm afraid this will mean that he'll miss all the birthday parties now)
Got to get back to work! 29 more hours until our deadline!
Ben was off yesterday, and I was stuck here at work for most of the evening, I got home last night just before 8 and he was reading my fit pregnancy magazine (thanks Aunt Debbie)... It was pretty cute, "Did you know it takes about 4 months for a baby to learn to roll over!?!" :o)
Right when I get to start getting home at decent hours again, he's starting his new shift. 1pm-11pm... I'll really miss not having him around for dinner time, but it'll be nice when at least I'll get to snuggle up to him when he gets home. The set days off will be nice too, no more guessing when his days off fall when trying to make plans :o)
Though, if anyone wants both of us for anything on the weekend, it's gotta be Sunday, he's working Saturday's :o(
(I'm afraid this will mean that he'll miss all the birthday parties now)
Got to get back to work! 29 more hours until our deadline!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
I love this kid!
My little brother is so stinkin' cool! He's going to be 12 on Monday, and the gift he was going to get from us turns out to not beavailable until after his birthday, so I emailed him for some ideas. this is the response I got back:

cell phone
i pod touch
Xbox Game Battle Field Bad Company (T)
Gift Cards (Target, iTunes, and Gamestop)
Football Cards
Termonater Sarah Conner Cronicles Season 1
I love u
cell phone
i pod touch
Xbox Game Battle Field Bad Company (T)
Gift Cards (Target, iTunes, and Gamestop)
Football Cards
Termonater Sarah Conner Cronicles Season 1
I love u
Do you see number 1 on his list!?! If he wasn't already so sweet I'd think he was buttering me up for one of the $$$ items on his list, but he really is a good boy! It's also perfect right now, I've been so slammed at work this week, extensions are due Wednesday which means really long days all week and weekend overtime!
I also just found out that he made a select babseball team and got offered a spot in some pretty cool training that most kids have to try out for! He's now in public middle school this year, transferring from private Christian school for all of his elementry years, and apparently he's been dubbed 'Nicky' by his new ball buddies at school. A few years ago he started giving terrible looks and always told me it was no longer okay to call him Nicky, it was a baby name... I get to call him Nicky again! This is his school picture from this year (Thanks Chris, I stole it from your blog)

Baby update: I had an appointment yesterday and the baby's heart rate is a little lower than it has been in the past but still very strong according to the doctor. It was difficult for her to get a count becuase 'it' kept kicking and that would muffle the sound of the heartbeat... Fun, fun!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
So, I did it...
...I bought a few things maternity today. It's so weird, I'm not yet big enough that I feel like I should need them, but after trying a few things on - and feeling SO much more comfortable, I think it might be worth it. A pair of jeans, pair of work pants and a 3/4 length sleeve tee was all I could bring myself to buy. Another something that I enjoy about the maternity clothes however, is that when I wear them I actually look pregnant, as opposed to wearing my regular clothes, and looking like I've just been eating bon-bons for the last 4 months. I also bought a book of baby names. I know there's 3 million web sites of them, but I'd like to be able to sit on the couch next to my boy and thumb through them instead of trying to rope him into sitting near the computer (of which there's nothing nearby to keep him occupied so he either falls asleep, or just leaves!)
I am 15 weeks today. Still getting nausea frequently throughout the day but not for super long periods of time and I'm not getting sick, for the most part. I have terrible motion sickness, even if I'm the one that's driving. No aches or pains yet, except for a little bit of lower body joint pain, which is actually very typical for me this time of year when it starts to cool down. I've not gotten cravings, but usually have the reverse - I have no idea what I want, but I can list all the things that will definitely NOT work with my stomach. Ben says this is nothing new, I've always done this - it's just way worse now that I'm pregnant! Sorry babe! It's true, ask anyone that's ever been out to eat with me! I don't make decisions for a group for food - makes me uncomfortable... If I make a suggestion to places that are "easy" or perhaps "nearby" know that I'm not trying to make more options for you, those are my places of choice :o)
I don't think any part of the last 15 weeks have I been emotional or overly moody due to pregnancy hormones. I have noticed that I am far less patient at work though - not a good thing! We have a few people I work with that love nothing more than to walk over to someone and state the really obvious, it has always driven me (and most others) crazy, but now I'm over the edge and feel myself making a face when they turn to walk away. Totally juvenile, I know - but proven entertaining for those that sit around me and wish they could do it too. :o)
I'm still pretty low on energy, especially on work days - I think it's the 1.5 hours I drive in traffic EACH WAY, that do it to me. That low patience thing is a terrible quality to have when navigating 405 during gridlock hours. It also bites, because anytime I take 1 drink of water, it means I have about 10 minutes before my bladder thinks it's full! I'm not used to needing to get up that many times a night to pee! I'm not quick to fall back asleep either so it makes a good night's rest difficult.
The baby's the size of an apple now, I'm getting impatient to know what it is, I think so is Ben a little :o) We want to know what we should start calling 'it', because 'it' just isn't working for us anymore!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Yay Judy!
Aubrey's mama, Judy makes the sweetest quilts! I got one this year for my birthday and absolutely LOVE it! I sleep with it every night and Ben makes sure that he finds it in the morning when he comes to bed so he can get his boy germs all over it when he snuggles with it during the day. Aubrey's kids have a ton of them and love every single one to pieces!
"Gamma Judy" has finally decided to start selling them! She's got a new blog that you can check them out on and also opened a store on etsy. Click on any part of this paragraph to go to her blog! (and then you can get to her etsy site from there too)
Go take a look!
"Gamma Judy" has finally decided to start selling them! She's got a new blog that you can check them out on and also opened a store on etsy. Click on any part of this paragraph to go to her blog! (and then you can get to her etsy site from there too)
Go take a look!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Will the Ring Test finally be wrong?
In my family there is a crazy tradition done during pregnancy by my Grandpa, and previously by his dad. It's typically done when the belly's sticking out a little more, but we tried it on me yesterday when the family came over for Aunt Cindy's birthday. It's called the Ring Test. You take a the wedding ring off of the pregnant one and tie it to piece of string, preferably sewing thread as it's lighter. Have her lay on the floor and suspend the ring just over the baby, once the string/ring completely stop moving, it's held still. The ring will eventually start moving again in one of two ways, back and forth - indicating a boy. Or in a circular motion - for a girl.
I know it sounds crazy, Ben couldn't believe that we were all doing this and totally buying into it - However, Papa is 5 for 5! Tiffany, Jake, myself, Makenna, and Brendan - were all right on! We tried mine twice and both times got the same result. Papa wants to try it again because it took forever to get moving - he thinks my bump isn't big enough - and because he wanted different results.

According to this - it's going to be a girl.
Ben and I are both okay with whatever we have, just wanting it healthy! Obviously, if one could 'pick' there's usually a preference... If that was the case, we both wanted a boy first - I think me even a little more than him. Ben thinks we're all crazy by even playing along with this ring test notion, but hey - every time it's right we get a little more into it and it's totally for fun so it's not hurting anyone! (I will say though that it only works - as in the ring will only start moving again over the belly - with the pregnant woman's ring... Something about the metal absorbing her energy and then making it move again when close her body? )
Anyway, Ben said he will go to Papa and apologize in person for thinking he was crazy and doubting him if it turns out to be a girl. And then joked (because it's Ben) and he'll burn him at the stake for being a witch. :o)
November 5th we'll know for sure!
Monday, September 22, 2008
already a pain!
So I haven't posted in a while because a TON has happened and I wanted to do it all justice with posts, but now it's been too long and if I don't write it now - it's never going to be on here, and then I get in trouble
Wednesday: We met my new doctor, love her! Got some blood taken and then an ultrasound of our little 'lime'. (We tossed our printer/scanner in the moved. It never printed and it only scanned after an hour of messing with it - that's why you don't get to see the picture yet) Baby was kicking and moving all over the place! Came home and unpacked some more!
Thursday: Unpacked, bought shower game prizes... unpacked some more.
Friday: I went back to the doctor's for a screening. Ben wants to be mentally prepared, if there were any problems with the baby, before it's born. So we opted to do the tests, usually they take blood at 12 weeks and then again at 15 and then if some indicator comes up, you can have an amnio done to "know for sure". However my doctor loves another test that they can do as long as you're just before 13 1/2 weeks. I had only a couple days to get in and thankfully it was no problem. They do an ultrasound and measure the thickness of the back of the baby's neck. If it's enlarged and they get indicators on the blood work - then usually that means there's a problem. This method is far better at detecting than the blood work and you eliminate something like 90% of the 'false positives' that lead women to get the amnio when their baby's fine. No big deal, takes 25 minutes, in and out of there! WRONG! Ben was exhausted so I didn't wake him, but now regret that he missed the show. The "little booger" as it was affectionately named by the ultrasound tech would not cooperate! Every time she'd push a little on my tummy with the wand it would throw it's head back, arch it's little back and kick it's feet straight out. It did this over and over (looking just like it was throwing a fit!) She was cracking up and just kept telling me I was in for it! Once it got tired of this little trick, it would flip back and forth putting it's head from the left side of my belly to the right so she'd have to keep chasing it with the wand. Finally for the final trick, it turned around, flashing it's little neck letting us think for a moment we had a good shot at getting the measurement, only to flip upside down and hide it's little head behind my pelvic bone so that we couldn't see it at all with the wand. Now, obviously it has no idea what's it doing or what a pain in the rear it's being for us - but how coincidental! God's preparing me all right - he's warning me now I might have a wild one! Darn Ben! I've heard all these stories about how hard headed he was (still is!) it looks like it's taking after Daddy! I was good, I was hoping it was good enough to even this kid out, but it's not looking like it.
So anyway, I'm virtually upside down on this bed hoping gravity will toss that kid out from under it's rock when the tech apologized but said we had to do the rest of the ultrasound the "other way" if we were going to finish... So she leaves (still laughing) and my first words talking directly to the baby were "You're a poop already!" So we start the internal ultrasound only to have the baby switch right when she gets it on the screen. Without missing a beat she grabbed the belly wand, flipped the switch on the computer to make it work, found it and paused the screen before it could move again. Thankfully it was a good enough shot to get the measurement we needed (she'd tried this several times before and couldn't ever get a clear enough measurement that she was comfortable with). She said she can't tell me anything for sure, but that the size looked "good and very typical"... She thanked me for the entertainment, told me to get my sleep before I could feel it tumbling around in there, and let me go. On my way out I was smiled at by just about every nurse and told good luck... She shared the story while I was getting my blood drawn. When I got home Ben was half awake, I tossed the pictures on the bed and 'yelled' at him, "It's all your fault, the baby's just like you!" {trying not to laugh!}
He thought the story was great!
Saturday was Emily's shower here at the house and then yesterday we spent the day at Emily and Jared's watching football! I love football! (Em and I did break away for a quick trip to the Supermall so I could get a 'belly band'! It's great! I can now leave my top buttons undone on my pants and the band covers them like a little under t-shirt/cami. It made today so much more comfortable being back at work!
There it all is... Now I'm going to bed!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
So far...
My house is still littered with boxes - most empty, others full and I'm hoping they'll just disappear!
A freaked out cat that can't handle ceiling fans and howls at the top of the stairs because he's too much of wimp to go down them!
A big grocery shopping trip with my Mom who's helping me 're-learn' how to cook again. (I haven't made meals consistently since January! With busy season not being home, then putting the condo up for sale and not being able to be messy, and then moving - I couldn't put a week's menu together on my own right now if I tried unless we could have tacos three times, and then spaghetti twice)
Another ultrasound today, showing us a very active baby with a strong heartbeat!
And a husband counting his days in his district after being told he got his transfer! We've known he got it but we finally got a date for his official move. (The last guy waited 6 months, they have to find replacements for district positions before moving to specialty type units - they're way too understaffed already to just go plucking guys off the streets)
A much needed 2 hour phone call to Moses Lake!
Up next: finish putting things away (or hiding them in closets), shopping for Emily's baby shower that will be HERE on Saturday. Friday morning I go back to the doctor's for some pre-screening for genetic and birth abnormalities - I'm a little nervous for those. I 'know' that everything will probably be fine, and then I think of all the other pregnant women that think the same thing and hear tragic news.... I've been told this new found anxiety and worry (and memory issues) comes from being pregnant - yippee, just what I wanted!
Monday, September 15, 2008
My Generation?
Lindsay Lohan: "I really cannot bite my tongue anymore when it comes to Sarah Palin," "Is it a sin to be gay? Should it be a sin to be straight? Or to use birth control? Or to have sex before marriage? Or even to have a child out of wedlock?"...
"Do what you know is right in your heart, vote for Obama"...
And then my favorite part:
"In the words of Pamela Anderson, 'She can suck it''
Really? Somehow this girl thinks that her recent switch to homosexuality and her release from rehab has made her the one who's moral compass is the one to synchronize with. In her rant on Palin, she's urging people to vote for Obama, because Palin personally believes that homosexuality is wrong.
The religion of our candidates alone is NOT the reason I believe we should vote for one or the other - we are in a war and an economical crisis here... I personally hope that the person in charge of our country seeks God for wisdom while making decisions, but that's me!... However, conservatives are not to be convinced that a radical Muslim upbringing, and separatist 'christian' teachings of 20 years with pastor J. Wright should weigh in at all when it comes into Barack Obama's decision making, yet the Christian beliefs of the GOP, VICE presidential candidate qualifies?
I thank God he sent his son to teach us compassion, love, forgiveness and grace for the sins we commit... And know that we can love each other while not agreeing or condoning those sins. Palin never attacked this girl personally, just disagrees with choice she chooses to make.
I love that Lohan continues with such an intelligent comment about what she thinks Palin should occupy her time with... A classic from yet another 'moral icon.'
Brilliant! Lord, help my generation!
Oh P.S. After this rant, Lohan tripped in a doorway while walking - but assumed she was tripped by a photographer - so she turned around and punched them in the nose!
...So I was thinking about joining the LL fan club - anyone in for a group discount?
"Do what you know is right in your heart, vote for Obama"...
And then my favorite part:
"In the words of Pamela Anderson, 'She can suck it''
Really? Somehow this girl thinks that her recent switch to homosexuality and her release from rehab has made her the one who's moral compass is the one to synchronize with. In her rant on Palin, she's urging people to vote for Obama, because Palin personally believes that homosexuality is wrong.
The religion of our candidates alone is NOT the reason I believe we should vote for one or the other - we are in a war and an economical crisis here... I personally hope that the person in charge of our country seeks God for wisdom while making decisions, but that's me!... However, conservatives are not to be convinced that a radical Muslim upbringing, and separatist 'christian' teachings of 20 years with pastor J. Wright should weigh in at all when it comes into Barack Obama's decision making, yet the Christian beliefs of the GOP, VICE presidential candidate qualifies?
I thank God he sent his son to teach us compassion, love, forgiveness and grace for the sins we commit... And know that we can love each other while not agreeing or condoning those sins. Palin never attacked this girl personally, just disagrees with choice she chooses to make.
I love that Lohan continues with such an intelligent comment about what she thinks Palin should occupy her time with... A classic from yet another 'moral icon.'
Brilliant! Lord, help my generation!
Oh P.S. After this rant, Lohan tripped in a doorway while walking - but assumed she was tripped by a photographer - so she turned around and punched them in the nose!
...So I was thinking about joining the LL fan club - anyone in for a group discount?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Home Sweet Home
It's finally done.. and finally ours! We got the keys yesterday afternoon! We went into the house, ran around like little kids and I ended up laying on the floor inside my new gigantic closet! Seriously, my closet is the size of the 2nd bedroom at the condo! It's going to be full with all of Ben's uniforms shortly - between the Marine Corps and King County, and then with all his normal clothes that he never gets to wear becuase he's always in uniform - that closet won't seem as big before too long... We love it! It was kind of a bummer not to be able to actually stay there last night, but very soon we'll be sleeping at HOME!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I just realized my Seattle picture is bigger than the allotted space for the background I found - I'm going to have to play with that image a little when I get my computer back and set up!
Anyway - this weekend turned out alright (for me anyway!) Yesterday morning I went to see Nick's 1st Fall Ball game. He went 3 for 3 with 3 RBI's and even got a chance to pitch 2 innings, of which he had a few strikeouts! The Little League rules are that no more than 5 runs can be scored by a team in an 'at bat' so the first 2 innings were called for Nick's team with them scoring 5 each. By the bottom of the 3rd they were up 11-1 which qualifies for the 10 run rule to end the game but with it being fall ball, aka Instruction Ball, and the fact that it was gorgeous out, Dad said to let them play it out. (I'm not actually sure why they all looked at Dad, he's not coaching for fall ball though I know he's on the board...) The game ended with Nick's team maintaining that 10 run lead and a 16-5 final!
Afterwards we went to lunch and then Chris headed down to the appliance store while I got our Refrigerator, and Chris got us our new washer/dryer from the family for a house-warming gift(THANK YOU so much Dad, Chris, Gramma and Auntie Jill!!!)
Meanwhile Ben spent the entire day with his dad moving again! This time it was a little more difficult - emotionally. Ben's grandpa has made the move to an assisted living community. We're really praying this will help him to stay level with his blood sugar! He'll be responsible for making his breakfast in his apartment, but they have lunch and dinner served down in the dining room - so at least we'll know that he'll eat (as long as he gets down there while meals are served!) His diabetes and his age lately haven't been the greatest mixture and hopefully with everything he'll need at his fingers - he can stay off the road now! I don't know that my poor in-laws and husband can deal with another low blood sugar car wreck... There's also so many social things he can get involved in so Ben and I are really excited for him in that respect.
Friday my managing partner walked by just as our real estate agent called to tell me the condo was officially closed and heard me all excited. When I got off the phone, he gave me tickets (and a parking pass) to the M's/Yankees game. The weather was absolutely amazing for a day at Safeco Field. We got the view box tickets this time - out of the 3 places Steve has season tickets, these are Ben's favorite! Mine too, but sometimes the Terrace Club is nice - squishier seats, but nearly the view. We've gotten to go to I think 10 games in the last 2 seasons (courtesy of my work) and a few the year before on our own, and today was the very first game we've been to where the M's have pulled out a win! We found out while trying to exit the stadium when we ran into Lindsay and her family that every game they've been to we win - so next year when we decide which games we want to go to, I'm going to call and see if they can plan to go as well! We really just love going to the games for spirit of going to a game - though today we found it's far more fun when they win! Even with the Mariner win I am so bummed that my boys lost today! No, not the Yankees, the Seahawks. Football is my favorite and the Seahawks just choked this afternoon! I've only seen a few clips of the game and it was painful - I don't imagine I'll watch the replay! (Ben likes football because it occupies me while he takes a nap) :o)
Arby's has their Orange Cream milk shakes back so we stopped to get one and I think the sugar got to Ben, that or his huge stadium Mt. Dew - because he was totally unable to sleep when we got home, so he just left for work without a nap. I really hate it when he does that! However, after his back to back days of work at at night and Ft.Lewis obligations during the day last week (leaving him with 12 hours sleep total from Monday afternoon to Thursday night, after a weekend of moving) I know the guy can do anything!
I'm sure this is long enough... And if you've made it this far, you're great and I appreciate your attention to my ramblings! Pictures of Nick's game and the house later!
Anyway - this weekend turned out alright (for me anyway!) Yesterday morning I went to see Nick's 1st Fall Ball game. He went 3 for 3 with 3 RBI's and even got a chance to pitch 2 innings, of which he had a few strikeouts! The Little League rules are that no more than 5 runs can be scored by a team in an 'at bat' so the first 2 innings were called for Nick's team with them scoring 5 each. By the bottom of the 3rd they were up 11-1 which qualifies for the 10 run rule to end the game but with it being fall ball, aka Instruction Ball, and the fact that it was gorgeous out, Dad said to let them play it out. (I'm not actually sure why they all looked at Dad, he's not coaching for fall ball though I know he's on the board...) The game ended with Nick's team maintaining that 10 run lead and a 16-5 final!
Afterwards we went to lunch and then Chris headed down to the appliance store while I got our Refrigerator, and Chris got us our new washer/dryer from the family for a house-warming gift(THANK YOU so much Dad, Chris, Gramma and Auntie Jill!!!)
Meanwhile Ben spent the entire day with his dad moving again! This time it was a little more difficult - emotionally. Ben's grandpa has made the move to an assisted living community. We're really praying this will help him to stay level with his blood sugar! He'll be responsible for making his breakfast in his apartment, but they have lunch and dinner served down in the dining room - so at least we'll know that he'll eat (as long as he gets down there while meals are served!) His diabetes and his age lately haven't been the greatest mixture and hopefully with everything he'll need at his fingers - he can stay off the road now! I don't know that my poor in-laws and husband can deal with another low blood sugar car wreck... There's also so many social things he can get involved in so Ben and I are really excited for him in that respect.
Friday my managing partner walked by just as our real estate agent called to tell me the condo was officially closed and heard me all excited. When I got off the phone, he gave me tickets (and a parking pass) to the M's/Yankees game. The weather was absolutely amazing for a day at Safeco Field. We got the view box tickets this time - out of the 3 places Steve has season tickets, these are Ben's favorite! Mine too, but sometimes the Terrace Club is nice - squishier seats, but nearly the view. We've gotten to go to I think 10 games in the last 2 seasons (courtesy of my work) and a few the year before on our own, and today was the very first game we've been to where the M's have pulled out a win! We found out while trying to exit the stadium when we ran into Lindsay and her family that every game they've been to we win - so next year when we decide which games we want to go to, I'm going to call and see if they can plan to go as well! We really just love going to the games for spirit of going to a game - though today we found it's far more fun when they win! Even with the Mariner win I am so bummed that my boys lost today! No, not the Yankees, the Seahawks. Football is my favorite and the Seahawks just choked this afternoon! I've only seen a few clips of the game and it was painful - I don't imagine I'll watch the replay! (Ben likes football because it occupies me while he takes a nap) :o)
Arby's has their Orange Cream milk shakes back so we stopped to get one and I think the sugar got to Ben, that or his huge stadium Mt. Dew - because he was totally unable to sleep when we got home, so he just left for work without a nap. I really hate it when he does that! However, after his back to back days of work at at night and Ft.Lewis obligations during the day last week (leaving him with 12 hours sleep total from Monday afternoon to Thursday night, after a weekend of moving) I know the guy can do anything!
I'm sure this is long enough... And if you've made it this far, you're great and I appreciate your attention to my ramblings! Pictures of Nick's game and the house later!
Friday, September 5, 2008
We no longer own a condo!!!
Sucker is G-O-N-E! It's bittersweet, no feelings about getting rid of the condo, just all the money that went away with it. However, one week from today I'll be moving into my new house!!!
We have our final walkthrough Monday and close Wednesday! (That means Dad and Chris get their garage back next week!)
Also Grandpa had his surgery on his spine on Wednesday and was up and walking within 5 hours - he's doing so well! Even got to go home yesterday!
Oh, and just to see if she really reads this: Hi Aunt Debbie!
We have our final walkthrough Monday and close Wednesday! (That means Dad and Chris get their garage back next week!)
Also Grandpa had his surgery on his spine on Wednesday and was up and walking within 5 hours - he's doing so well! Even got to go home yesterday!
Oh, and just to see if she really reads this: Hi Aunt Debbie!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
a boy and his doe
With the King County budget crunch and the lack of people/traffic in Ben's district, he and his district partner have round aboutly been instructed to keep the gas bills down by doing your rounds occasionally and then sitting still for a while unless needed. So Ben has this nice quiet little spot in a wooded area along one of the 'main' roads that he'll sit at for a while, either doing paperwork or waiting for someone to drive by (...Or scouting out the latest and ebay deals!) The last few nights he's had a 'girl friend' come lay about 10 feet or so away, along the side of his truck and munch at the shrubs and grass. He took a cell phone picture of his Doe last night and sent it to me. He called and told me he'd decided that he'd go to the grocery store and pick up something for himself to eat and maybe grab her an apple, then later he'd come back and toss it out where she likes to lay. He got a few calls that disrupted his plans and was talking to his Sgt later in his shift (early this morning) and found out his district buddy messed up his car a little when a deer ran out in front of him... Right on Ben's road, right in front of where he parks. Ben confirmed with him it was a Doe, and is pretty convinced with timing and location that it was his Doe. I had one bummed out boy walk in from work this morning, "Steve hit my deer!"
...And he thinks he could be a hunter.
...And he thinks he could be a hunter.
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